Other Men
A system that relies on the slavery of the worker will not succumb to aiding its most vulnerable in a time of need. For that very system relies on this very abuse to keep it functioning. How else would our men survive in this world without the generous offerings of affordable alcohol and football from the terraces or the TV? Merely a pathway to tribalism. The distractions from work packed into a few hours of the week. The chemical combustions of a beer working its magic.
Until one day… one day… a revolution of the mind takes place.
Insert fictional revolutionary masculine heterosexual cis-gendered male who supports Millwall and enjoys a pint of Stella Artois.
Works at: any number of companies exploiting their workforce.
Insert fictional scenario the day after a football match:
Potential revolutionary masculine heterosexual cis-gendered male who supports Millwall and enjoys a pint of Stella Artois. Works at: any number of companies exploiting their workforce. Wakes up on Sunday, paracetamol, coffee, fry up. Wonders why the same feeling repeats every week. types into the search engine on a whim.
"What are the effects of beer on the brain?"
Insert artificially generated response from search engine:
"Alcohol makes it harder for the brain areas controlling balance, memory, speech, and judgment to do their jobs, resulting in a higher likelihood of injuries and other negative outcomes. In addition to making depression symptoms worse, drinking alcohol can lower your inhibitions and increase your impulsivity."
Insert imaginative but definitely possible scenario the following weekend:
Potential revolutionary masculine heterosexual cis-gendered male who supports Millwall and enjoys a pint of Stella Artois. Works at: any number of companies exploiting their workforce, decides not to drink beer this weekend.
Like a deer in the headlights, the man begins to notice unimaginable consequences from the tribalism fueled by consumption and escapism from the very system that encourages its slow demise.
Tony’s sexism—that women shouldn’t be referees.
Gordon’s racism—that the "black" center-back keeps letting all the goals in, even though there are 10 other players on the same team.
Jeff’s homophobia—at the sight of anything resembling a rainbow. Even the sky could piss him off.
Man goes home free from the chemical combustions of Stella Artois. He lacks impulsivity. He can balance well. He remembers why he loves his wife and what he ate for breakfast. He can speak in full sentences. And he lacks depressive thoughts.
Insert the possibility of imagining a new future:
Potential revolutionary masculine heterosexual cis-gendered male who supports Millwall and enjoys a pint of Stella Artois. Works at: any number of companies exploiting their workforce, decides to talk about his experience with OTHER MEN.