Social media
Login and share your life upload pics of your husband or wife Share your kids with an unknown stranger putting yourself and them in danger. update your status and press post Show them off and boast. You need those likes otherwise what's the point? Sit back and roll a joint. it's sad that you feel the need to compete with your own friends who'm you deceit. A generation full of narcisists who know nothing other than taking pics. Look at my body look at me. Look at what i made for tea! I'm a vegan i'm on a diet but i must tell everyone i can't keep it quiet. Look where i am i'm on vacation I must inform the entire nation. My kids are better than yours. i'm pretty sure they'll create miracle cures. I'l share your post to get myself more attention. Show you my hobbies my own invention. Happy birthday to my kids who wont see this. Share it virtually and not with a real kiss. Addicted to this social media crap. My lifes actually sad my profiles a trapĀ
<Deleted User> (13762)
Thu 15th Feb 2018 08:42
nice one Stephanie but like most things these days it's the people not the product that makes social media what it is and social media has shown that people are pretty dumb.
I think the poem would have more impact written out in a standard down the page format which would also highlight the rhyming words.
Thanks for posting. Colin.