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Jealous Cat

Soft and fluffy 

Ball of fur 

Curled up tight

Contented purr 

His favourite place 

Right on her lap

But Hey what's this?


Am I not the one

Who gives her Love?

Now all of a sudden 

It isn't enough 

Her eyes are glowing 

As she scrolls

The screen 

All these faces 

I've never seen 

I don't see men

Just a bunch of mice 

If they come...

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catspetrandomwriting for funstorytelling


You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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I was reading a story

When i felt a sudden spark of pain in my heart

I was feeling like someone was piercing needles deep inside my soul

It was unbearable and tears were rolling down 

I closed my eyes, it was all dark

And then i saw you

I tried opening my eyes but I couldn’t 

Because deep inside I still wanted to see you for maybe one last time even when nothing was real 


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emotionsfeelingsfirst lovelovePainpastrandom

A Rose By Any Other Name

A Rose By Any Other Name


If I were a doctor

Treating your wounds

And infections

Your bile and liver

You would welcome me


If I were a restaurateur

Feeding you for free

Flavouring your drinks

Would you not welcome me?


I am clockmaker

Yellow gold

Like summer sun


I drift

On the breeze

And still

You do not welcome me


I am the l...

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 24dandeliondictionary inspirationrandomflowerweed

Short bursts of emotions

Lines I wrote while very upset:


Im worthless to you and rich to everyone else. Why?


Can you hear me screaming? My lungs are bleeding. 


I’m not even in the water but I’m drowning. 


We’re going no where. Ever. It’s a standstill. 


Why do I keep trying? 


You got got me fucked up. I know my worth but apparently you don’t. Are you fucking stupid?



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