money (Remove filter)
Red Dye Number 40
in pursuit of riches
snapped twigs, and
exhausted —
all my resources …
in the heat of the moment.
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:55 pm
Rat's Race
In the darkness of night, I'm a king with no crown,
A knight with no sword, no way of cutting life down.
The words they create, cut like knives to the soul
Media fed by derision to fill up your bowl
Spread lies and more hatred on sharpened tongues
To drive home divisions, where no one belongs.
We live by their rules, and follow like sheep,
Heed the words of the wise, before your long slee...
Sunday 14th April 2024 7:00 pm
Spent another day chasing like each day before,
and what did it gain us this time?
It feels like we’re racing against a short clock,
in effort to scavenge a dime.
I guess I don’t get it - the purpose of such,
seems not but to gather in barns.
A quest to arrive at a distant mirage
with no thought of what the quest harms.
Do we consider, what else could be
Friday 15th March 2024 1:11 am
paper trails
forged from out of foliage
new bills
in their fine prints
“E pluribus unum”
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:00 pm
Forest Sun
Forest Sun
Laid out to pasture the company doesn’t want us
We got our severance pay then thanked them
Like they thanked us the day they made us sign
We belonged to them then we were slaves
Made to work in the forest cutting down trees
Or in lead mines manually extracting the ore
Many died for it was lethal work out in the sticks
The dead were replaced by new force...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 2:29 am
I've Been Wrung
Lick your fingers
Every last bit
Bend over
Take the hardest hit
Now, burn
And let me watch
On the spot
Twist yourself in knots
I want the final drop
Become dust
Collapse and shed
Until the last sparkle
Of my Queens head
Is spent
Until the last glimmer
Of her glitter
Has bled
You belong to me
I own your soul
That is how
You line
Every pocket
With gold
Friday 18th September 2020 9:44 am
Who is the bully?
Yesterday, I cracked the whip
Over a poor man’s flesh
At his request
Yesterday, I dug my heels
Into the crotch of him
Because he asked
It hurt me to hurt him
But it would hurt him too
Had I refused
The thing about me
Is that I'm not
- Me, I mean -
I'm a chameleon,
Master of masks
Slipping on disguises
Like slipping on shirts
I am metamorphosis
Shapeshifter, am I
With wolf or doe ...
Thursday 10th September 2020 10:15 pm
She was 19 and alone
No place to call her own
Two packed bags was all she called home
Her innocence taken from her long ago
All she is left with is a head full of dreams
She became an adult before she became a teen
Now she is chasing after Paper Love
For thirty minutes maybe more
Just knock on the door
She got her own room
She controls the mood
She w...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:37 am
Money is the soul to reach a goal
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor
No way to live happy and cool
Luck is the wing across future
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing
Keep your effort to win the venture
Poor & rich, should also search
Money everywhere, we must fetch
the only lazy .. also crazy
Forever, no goa...
Thursday 4th April 2019 4:09 pm
Save to live
Invest always your time
Time is life, why to lose?
Read and enjoy your hobby
To be happy, you should choose
Put your plan to save money
Money gives you happiness to live
Never plan to ask a loan
But should be able, too, to give
Actively, go for good change
World never stop at all
Give everything time to deal
Surely, you'll achieve the goal
Monday 18th February 2019 12:31 pm
Earning a Living
For a short period in our marriage of over thirty seven years I earned about two-thirds of the income.
I didn’t set out to do this it just happened this way. I was a Specialist in the Army. My husband was a nursing student and he was being helped to pay school and living expenses through the Veterans Administration.
My husband never complained ...
Saturday 12th January 2019 1:58 am
The horrible truth about benefits
The benefit system is a joke
It pays the disabled less
Than those who doss, drink and smoke
Pre-paid prescriptions for those who don't need it
And those who need them, struggle to pay, ending up sick
Medical necessities are not very cheap
Even painkiller prices are getting quite steep
And for those who's health is farthest from good
Its hard to get by when you can't walk far, before falli...
Monday 5th November 2018 4:08 pm
I'm ok. Overworked and underpaid.
But what's it to them, they have it all made.
I'm tired and pained but if it wasn't for the gain,
I wouldn't be out slammin out here jammin like it's fame.
If I knew what it was all about
In the end would they pay out?
If i saw through all the lies and the cheats,
If they didn't cover our eyes, mouth, and nose with the sheets,
And we saw what the money...
Tuesday 3rd July 2018 1:28 am
cure my spending addiction
My spending addiction is getting so bad,
It’s even driving my cats totally mad.
I buy everything that I see,
I wonder what the next thing will be.
Any excuse to go and shop,
I just don’t know how to stop.
I took an overdraft out with the bank,
Wayne is on the verge of giving me a spank.
I buy multiple items of the same thing,
I just love the sound of the till going ...
Saturday 9th July 2016 5:13 pm
The Price Tag
There's an S and a line through it. The S to me is savor.
now the thing with that is when life gives you lemons,
that "s" gets two lines the s is greed and usually bad intention.
or help it to grow and when it grows that s becomes an S,
and thats how the money symbol is despise.
Lives have been taken countries have been dispanded.
Those lines just seem bigger. The moment I em...
Monday 30th May 2016 7:10 am
Following the Money
From the North Sea, wild and grey
the horde bore down on Scarborough Bay.
I overheard one of them say
"We're following the money."
Like a Viking raiding force
they'd moved their enterprise onshore
to probe beneath the Yorkshire moors
for oil and gas and money.
A mighty fleet of high power cars
overran the Scarborough Spa.
I heard them, wassailing at the bar
thirsty for the money.
Sunday 15th May 2016 6:33 pm
Parsimonious. Frugal. A miser
After this, no-one will be richer
But words might make us wiser...
Chips. Gravy. Bananas. Beans
Potatoes. Fish. Milk. Lolly.
If you have the biscuit - you have the means
Nicker. Coin. Lucre. Notes
Bones. Tender. Funds. Swag
Sunday 3rd April 2016 2:36 pm
Work Day
Pounding the phones
Hello? Is anyone home?
Trying to make that dollar
While all anyone can do is hollar
Please, shh! Hear me out!
There's no need to shout!
Listen for a minute
And I promise I'll be quick to finish
Can I interest you in a quote?
On your car, home, or boat?
No, its not a joke
Not your average bloke
Out to trick and deceive
I'm just trying to do...
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:33 am
I started writing poetry at 13.
Monday 29th June 2015 5:14 am
I see you know the ways to glow your bodies floating nowhere to go cash money that's all you know your womanly curves showing words through sight and sound you have no disgust no regrets somehow you undress willingly you let them see you let them see with all too bare but that's the way you were trained no underwear pantie...
Sunday 31st August 2014 7:34 am
Legally Tender
The key of currency
is the changing of hands,
a baton passed on
in constant motion
that binds together
all its participants.
A fresh, crisp bill
is a virgin still,
between your fingers
whose anticipation
and epic journey
are yet to unfold.
Thursday 31st January 2013 2:24 pm
You don't have to look far to see where we're headin',
Look at Greece and Ireland it's a bloodless armageden.
The Global Insurection Against Banker Occuption,
Is being fought on the front line by european nations.
Mothers and fathers skipping meals for sons and daughters,
The electricity's cut off, like the water.
Then it's out in the street,
The downbeat's com...
Thursday 8th November 2012 9:24 pm
First Class Ticket.
The lonely years spent on his own,
his romantically barren existence.
The humdrum job, the pittance pay,
he never shows resistance.
Every week he clings to hope,
by the TV screen he’s praying.
Fourteen million to one, a so slim chance,
yet he thinks this is mine for the taking.
The machine it turns, the numbers drop,
he can’t believe what he’s seeing,
six in a row, ...
Tuesday 25th September 2012 1:31 pm
Mornin' On The Desert
Mornin' on the desert, and the wind is blowin' free,
the elements have freedom,
but what about me?
Trailing from bar to bar
like new age saloons,
why's it so hard
just to find me a home?
I keep on wandering,
wondering where's my milk and honey?
People sippin' on moonshine
or as some call it money.
Mornin' on the desert, and th...
Sunday 15th April 2012 5:18 pm
Deep Recession
I was prompted to dig this one out by reading the piece Lyn Dye posted about Bankers...
Now edited a little, which might cover some points raised in comments below :-)
Deep recession brings depressions
Credit crunch too hard to munch
Should the banks take our possessions
When their brains were out to lunch
All their greed and daft lending ways
The blame belongs...
Saturday 25th February 2012 4:27 pm
What is this you call victory?
What happens when a triumph
doesn't ring like titanic trumpets?
Hopes remain Titanic,
exceptional, erroneously erred
and sinking with realisation.
I decapitated depression, deep
...Tuesday 8th November 2011 11:25 pm
My Funny Money
Money are so naughty and cunning,
They behave just stunning.
I go out – they follow me,
I come back – they harrow me.
They don’t want to come back home,
They would like a bit more to roam.
They sometimes don't want to go home with me at all.
They would like a bit more to stroll.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 2nd of October, 2011
Sunday 2nd October 2011 10:17 pm
On These Streets
An Old Poem:
Cracked sidewalks
follow the stampede
of the craze
of the holidays.
Rain drops as tears
down onto pavement
as the stampede
continues to gather
their gifts
and spend their generosity.
In all the midst
of the holiday spirits,
they never look down.
They never stop to see.
Here they go again,
frantic to buy
for those they love,
but what about me?
When they go,
all I will have
are the stain...
Sunday 27th December 2009 12:48 am
Annabel and Dave are sorted
toast the life they always courted
with Johnny Walker Black (imported)
by a geezer in Gibraltar.
Dave’s new boat’s a thirty footer
cowhide seats as soft as butter
room to practice with his putter
cruising down to Malta.
Made his pile in double glazing
take and margins just amazing
dreams of days of golf and lazing
on the Costa’s beac...
Monday 2nd February 2009 3:19 pm
I am element earth and ore,
the twinkle in the sawdust floor. I am the brass that’s
pressed and minted I am the note that’s newly printed. The rattling
change and ringing till, the dirty, dog-eared dollar bill, the jealous
Monday 15th December 2008 7:14 pm
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