The Price Tag
There's an S and a line through it. The S to me is savor.
now the thing with that is when life gives you lemons,
that "s" gets two lines the s is greed and usually bad intention.
or help it to grow and when it grows that s becomes an S,
and thats how the money symbol is despise.
Lives have been taken countries have been dispanded.
Those lines just seem bigger. The moment I emerged i knew it was an evil
but a necessary evil and that is why we can't get rid of it.
Because two lines are both thinning or thickening,
however neither half is more significant and that is balance.
Since it keeps order since we all need things
It is also unremovable, but it has two faces
greed/passion and generosity/indifference
together makes to faces and those faces are both the same name..