The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fracking (Remove filter)

Accidents Will Happen

For all the aging punks . With apologies to Elvis Costello.


Oh I just don't know where to begin:

we don't want it forever

so it's now or never.

We should keep them hanging on

till the investors have gone

and make sure they can’t get in

without a police chaperone.




Because accidents will happen

if we let the frackers win

and we’ll all be the vi...

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frackingspoof songelvis costelloEnvironment



all my troubles seemed so far away

then Third Energy came to say

that my house sits on Bowland Shale. 



mine’s not half the house it used to be.

There's an earthquake rolling under me

triggered by Third Energy.


How they messed up so 

I don’t know

they did not say.

They did something wrong 

now a pong 

comes from the mains.



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As we lurch along the lanes of deceit, alarm and exaggeration towards June 23rd, I find myself

sidetracked to power play of a different sort, and although I am ill-informed on the full details,

I am curious how democracy can be reduced from legions to a room - and wonder about the

ethos of those involved in the business of supplying the product.  Hence the following:


What care we ...

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Last Night

Last night was more than anyone could bear.
Last night they plunged a dagger into Yorkshire,
approving plans to poison land, to fracture 
the ground beneath our feet, to choke the air.

Four thousand people sent in their objections.
A hundred speakers warned what could occur.
But seven County Councillors didn't care
and kicked North Yorkshire in the wrong direction:

a course that leads ...

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frackingYorkshirePollutionclimate change

Following the Money

From the North Sea, wild and grey
the horde bore down on Scarborough Bay.
I overheard one of them say 
"We're following the money."

Like a Viking raiding force
they'd moved their enterprise onshore
to probe beneath the Yorkshire moors
for oil and gas and money.

A mighty fleet of high power cars
overran the Scarborough Spa.
I heard them, wassailing at the bar
thirsty for the money.


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frackinggasoilclimate changepollutionYorkshireVikingsmoney

Fracking Hell!

North Yorkshire was a green and pleasant county 
with rolling hills and cricket on the green, 
and tourists by the score 
would come to see the moors, 
historic sites and charming rural scenes. 
And when they'd had their fill of nature's bounty 
they'd spend their cash at tearooms and hotels. 
But then some gas was found 
two miles beneath the ground; 
now Yorkshire has become a 


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climate changeFossil Energyfrackinggasyorkshire

Fracking (Cinquain #1)

Fracking (Cinquain #1)

from injection
opens gaping fissure.
The whole process needs inspection.

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