Last Night
Last night was more than anyone could bear.
Last night they plunged a dagger into Yorkshire,
approving plans to poison land, to fracture
the ground beneath our feet, to choke the air.
Four thousand people sent in their objections.
A hundred speakers warned what could occur.
But seven County Councillors didn't care
and kicked North Yorkshire in the wrong direction:
a course that leads to greenhouse gas pollution,
to floods and droughts, to chaos everywhere,
away from clean sustainable solutions.
But if it seems the fossil view is winning,
a more pernicious threat's our own despair:
the fight for Yorkshire's only just beginning!
Tim Ellis
Wed 25th May 2016 10:41
Tommy, it's no surprise that of the 7 councillors who supported the application, 6 were Tory and one was independent. There was one Tory who went against the party line and voted no though, and the other 3 no votes were labour, liberal and independent.