wealth (Remove filter)
The Gilded Fist of Greed
The Gilded Fist of Greed is a call to awaken from the suffocating grip of wealth and power. This poem tries to unveil the stark reality of a world held hostage by the few like Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos et al., as they manipulate nations, control media, and plunder the earth. It warns of the destructive consequences of unchecked greed and the looming threat of totalitarian dominance. Yet, in its co...
Sunday 29th December 2024 9:59 am
Devine Opinion On Dollars!
If you want to know what God thinks of gold,
Just look at the wealthy, the brazen, the bold.
For riches, you’ll find,
Go to quite the odd kind,
And that’s all you need to be told!
Monday 11th November 2024 11:27 am
I Do Not Trust the One Who Kills the Swan
My wealth is the sky without clouds,
My mother's smile and my child's laugh.
I am a woman and I try to live without doubts,
I am a woman and I am strong enough.
Why should I care about hungry wolves?
About those who want to change the world?
I want to be with those who care about doves,
Who wants to see the world pearled,
My wealth is love that's true and...
Friday 16th August 2024 8:38 am
I'm tired and cold, rags gathered tight, so show me some pity
It's been to long out in this cardboard city
Food gathered and begged, no chance of meds, while you stay warm in luxury beds
A doorway, a tunnel, a railway station
A look of disgust from most of the nation
I didn't ask to be ousted from a normal life
To be fed to the streets in toil and stife
Clothes dishevelled, ripped and most...
Sunday 14th April 2024 8:51 pm
Rat's Race
In the darkness of night, I'm a king with no crown,
A knight with no sword, no way of cutting life down.
The words they create, cut like knives to the soul
Media fed by derision to fill up your bowl
Spread lies and more hatred on sharpened tongues
To drive home divisions, where no one belongs.
We live by their rules, and follow like sheep,
Heed the words of the wise, before your long slee...
Sunday 14th April 2024 7:00 pm
1000 MILES IN 2024: 1st Running Total
Thursday the eighth of February,
and eleven point seven miles I’ve walked,
a running total in defiance
of the enemy within,
of voices in my head who’d rather
I sit quiet, with nose to screen,
consuming crap made just for me,
algorhythmically designed
to rob me of humanity,
of poetry in my walking’s rhythm,
a miracle that’s in full flow,
performed by those who gave...
Thursday 8th February 2024 10:41 am
Mind Neuroplacebos
Just thinkin' of that night,
Colors of black and crimson red,
And the 5 liters of blood and byle
That I internally shed,
It's a miracle that I'm alive,
Cause I should be dead,
Battling the depression sucks,
Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed,
Only God knows the everyday duels
With the devil I fight inside my head,
The people that I've hurt,
And the thi...
Wednesday 28th September 2022 4:32 am
Don't want to be waiting to live,
Don't want to be waiting for death.
Though the tide repeats outward and back,
Take a stand on the sand as it shifts.
Look around and be thankful
For this
May be all that there is.
Then the sun is the jewel that I own,
And it's greater than all that I don't,
And the moon is the pearl that surpasses
All others wherever they be,
And the water that sust...
Wednesday 20th January 2021 2:37 am
Nothing Greater Than Life
There is no greater possession than life.
No greater prize than life.
What greater gift have we received than life?
Life in the moment, and in all its moments.
More than money
let me be certain that I spend this life well and wisely.
Whatever bargains I may make
let me not under-rate the coin with which I barter, precious seconds.
But give me wisdom to know the folly
of treating l...
Saturday 19th December 2020 8:45 am
Chocolate Tree
There once stood a chocolate tree, a bearer of desires.
Its leaves melted when it inhaled passion.
Its fruits of fire
Set ablaze lands, verdant and barren.
Its bark was festooned in ribbons
Of rich gold and smooth caramel.
Like Midas' touch, gluttony abundant,
The tree was nothing short of magical.
I basked in the shadow of the canopy
Atop the chocolate capped grass bl...
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 7:57 pm
I took to watching slow dying sunsets
Marking the passing of the dawdling day
The trees casting their stoic silhouettes
Counting the golden currency each ray
bestows upon my mood and mental health
keeping the braying doubts and fears at bay
Accumulating natures gift of wealth
hoarding value like a miser stores gold
a solar bank that aids the commo...
Friday 3rd April 2020 2:36 pm
Life is cruel sometimes
I’ve waited on platforms
For trains that never arrived
Drank shots in cellar bars
On Tuesday nights
With in-betweeners
Who still believe in lady luck
I’ve walked along promenades
Been battered by the wind and the rain
Taken shelter in late night café’s
Drank coffee so strong
It made me shudder
I’ve read the beat poets so many times
But I never tire of the words
Of Ginsberg and Ker...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:30 pm
Inequalities of all shades(revised)
Though in dexterity my physically challenged carpenter father,
Than the physically fit proves better,as a source to his anger,
With contemporaries a level ground he enjoyed never!
From late childhood there was one thing that me used to bother, why my so discriminated father
On his turn true to cultural dictates,ill treats my domestic chores saddled mother
And heeds not her s...
Monday 8th February 2016 8:43 am
A Shock Treatment
When I regretted
Why God is stingy
In showering me
With wealth
He took my health
Goading me
With a threat of death!
Praying when
I recuperated
I realized
Foolishly I had been
Daydreaming for wealth
My health
Is my
Number one wealth!/////
Who is Alem Hailu?
He is an emerging Ethiopian poet,translator and author of all literary genres in the medium of English langua...
Thursday 17th September 2015 4:35 pm
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