The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered

In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered, the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous erosion of justice under his unchecked power. This is a call to confront the corruption that distorts the law and undermines accountability, as power bends the rules to serve its own interests. A sing...

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Trumpjusticecorruptionpowertyrannylawaccountabilitypardonsarbitrary rulepoliticsprotestinequalitylawlessnessfreedom

The Scales of Justice Tilt in Gold

A piercing critique of a justice system that allows the powerful to escape unscathed while the ordinary face the harshest punishments. This poem confronts the political and judicial failures surrounding Donald Trump's acquittal, highlighting the frustration and disillusionment with the system's bias and corruption. It challenges the state of American justice, questioning what remains of fairness i...

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Trumpinjusticeunconditional dischargecourtacquittalMerchanjudicial corruptionAmerican politicslegal systempoempowerinequalityshamecritiquepolitical commentary

Titans of Greed

This poem is supposed to be a fierce indictment of unchecked wealth and power, calling for justice against those who exploit their riches to dominate and oppress. It warns of the consequences of greed and challenges readers to act decisively, through solidarity and systemic change, to dismantle the influence of the ultra-rich and restore equity.

The richest rise, their coffers swell,
While ...

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greedpower(in)justiceinequalityactivismsystemic changewealth limitsexploitationdisempowermentprotest

The Gilded Fist of Greed

The Gilded Fist of Greed is a call to awaken from the suffocating grip of wealth and power. This poem tries to unveil the stark reality of a world held hostage by the few like Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos et al., as they manipulate nations, control media, and plunder the earth. It warns of the destructive consequences of unchecked greed and the looming threat of totalitarian dominance. Yet, in its co...

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greedpowermanipulationfake newscorruptioninequalityrevolutionjusticeclimate crisismedia controlfreedomresistancewealthoppressiontyrannysocial changecollective action


It’s a luxury if you can say:

‘I’m not in the mood right now.

I don’t feel like it.

I don’t really fancy it today.’


It’s the luxury of comfort,

Of the well- appointed,

The index-linked,

The flexible sort.


It’s not an option

For the poor or unfulfilled,

Nor for those hunting for scraps

Or queueing the pouring rain;

Nor for the worker who drops his sandw...

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This Is Capitalism

We live in a society of sanitized brutality.

Austerity increasing exponential wealth disparity, despairing for community. 

Who has put a price on life to ration out a tiny slice,

and grip us in their vice, disguised as moral order righteousness? 

Pretenders to the throne, to throw us only scraps and bones. 


The corporations profit all by raised invoice and taxes slashed,

as ...

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anti-capitalistcapitalismconsumerismSpoken Word poetryinequality

The Voice of the Commons

Goodbye to the common land.

Goodbye to our pensions.

Goodbye to free school milk,

and goodbye to fair rent.


Goodbye to a job for life.

Don’t expect a contract.

Farewell to the greengrocer,

selling fruit in paper bags.


Farewell to the council house.

They’re selling off allotments.

The end of days for the bursary.

No more pow...

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social housingland rightsSpoken Word poetryclimate changeinequality

A Marriage of Ghosts

A Marriage Of Ghosts


Something old; crumbling bones.

Something new; innocent youth.

Something borrowed; parental beliefs.

A bride forever blue.


Flesh bound to ash and bone.

A knot ties the living and dead.

Union of child and corpse, rotting.

Protection from cursed health and poverty.


Escaping abandonment, in a death shed,

destined by ancestral expectati...

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In a warehouse, in a cage a child sits

In bits

Clinging to her only comfort a blanket of foil

And whilst we all recoil

at the horror on display

Theresa May declares although it’s not ok

 She will wait and chat in her special friend’s ear....  only when he is here  

Whilst umbilical cords of family ties

Are severed bleeding out amid cries ..............................

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For My Sisters And Brothers Of Colour

I know I have no right to stand here

and attempt to speak for my sisters

and brothers of colour.

I stand here in awe to applaud

their strength and their courage,

their patience in the face of 

relentless abuse.


As a child I was picked on,

excluded, abused;

I was ginger with freckles.

But now I am grown,

I doubt I’ve been ever

turned down for a job

or a h...

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Poets & Performance Poetryfightracisminequalityprejudicespokenword

Real Life

She lies awake at night,

eyes wired,

frantically reading

anything, anything,

to not think about it,

to patch up the cracks,

sew up the seams,

stuff the holes with cushions 

made of trash TV and Facebook,

while the mould seeps

down the bedroom wall,

letters lie ignored

re: default sum unpaid,


So sick, sick

of hospital appointments, 

waiting in ...

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By the Thames

It’s the final burial ground –

the place where they go to die;

lapping dirt-brown waves;

tourist couples bidding goodbye.

Ships slicing through soundlessly,

as smog adorns the sky.

A pigeon hobbles by on its stump,

while a gull lets out a mournful cry;

beside benches, an old man holds out his cup;

on the cobblestones stands a solitary bride.

A homeless girl leans agai...

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Londonmodern lifeHomelessnessinequalitysuicide

Those Paintbrush Women

I think I’m addicted to acting the way,

Behaving the way,

I feel:


No, I never meant to-


No, I never intended to-


didn’t set out to break your heart

I think that it came naturally to me...

Snapping those heart strings it’s what


It’s what I’ve always done best.

Affection is a weapon they say,

Charm is a murderer they say,

The blood you lose...

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Inequalities of all shades(revised)


Though in dexterity my physically challenged carpenter father,

Than the physically fit proves better,as a source to his anger,

With contemporaries a level ground he enjoyed never!


From late childhood there was one thing that me used to bother, why my so discriminated father

On his turn true to cultural dictates,ill treats my domestic chores saddled mother

And heeds not her s...

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You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9

A silence fell upon the city,

contorted shadows twisting moonlight.

Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced

bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers

in an unforgiving wind.


The wretched odour of deprivation

a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.

Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap

and by night the vampires feast on th...

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PoliticsHumanityMobstersBankstersWarNaPoWriMoGlobalThatcherMaggie ThatcherMargaret ThatcherFilmFilm NoirNoirProhibitionAmericaBritain1930s1980s2013universalpovertypoliticiansexploitationinequalityhatedivisioncelebrationclassClass Warvictorybattlestrugglecooperationcohesion

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