The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

This Is Capitalism

We live in a society of sanitized brutality.

Austerity increasing exponential wealth disparity, despairing for community. 

Who has put a price on life to ration out a tiny slice,

and grip us in their vice, disguised as moral order righteousness? 

Pretenders to the throne, to throw us only scraps and bones. 


The corporations profit all by raised invoice and taxes slashed,

as progress of humanity is measured just in cash.

A contrivance of a dazzling array of pointless choice 

ensures compliance with the profiteering class.

Manufacturing a mockery of individuality, sedating our autonomy 

with finely graded options from a limited new batch.


Advertisements instil in us the meaning of our lives,

fulfilled in mass assembly lines, devised for obsolescence,

obscenely endless streams of products selling empty dreams, 

sold to the masses by these liars,

with poverty of meaning and enslavement to desire.


They blind our eyes to capitalize, infantilised identities, defining our reality,

encouraging self hate, to forge more unmet needs imaginary, breeding insecurity. 

Lifestyle-focused bogus mantras tightly seal our fate, with tactical semantics, 

branded as consumers in this land of plastic bait.


Where money is religion.

This is capitalism.

This is a prison.


Step up courageously,

break free from this insanity

because you are divinity.

Awaken creativity,

find your originality,

define your own reality.

©️Janey Colbourne 2019



anti-capitalistcapitalismconsumerismSpoken Word poetryinequality

◄ Christmas Is Ridiculous

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Janey Colbourne

Mon 24th Jun 2019 19:41

Thank you everyone

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Thu 30th May 2019 20:27

lovely poem and I love the way you've walked through some of the worst trappings of our world. Shame we're like this.

Great poem. Thanks.

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Wed 29th May 2019 14:15

Hi Janey C - yea, smoke and mirrors, Pavlov's dog and puppet strings.
Some great lines, particularly like,
"A contrivance of a dazzling array of pointless choice"

Ah but breaking free? Looks over his shoulder and whispers, What's the plan then?

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Janey Colbourne

Wed 29th May 2019 08:35

Thank you so much Jason! ?

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Jason Bayliss

Wed 29th May 2019 00:47

Yep, absolutely love this. Love the pace, love the rhythm, love skillful use of words, love the insight!
Did I mention I love it?

J. x

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