The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Christmas Is Ridiculous

christmas is ridiculous

a frenzy of indoctrination 

sentimental propaganda

pressure to participate

unrealistic expectations

inculcated in the kids

while parents go insane 

it goes against the grain to be 

so busy at this time of year

we should be curled up by the fire

not fucking running round so wired 

to buy this tat that no one needs

sanctifying endless greed


the corporate machine

ratchets up to overdrive

slaves to manufacture 

slaves to shop with credit

then slave all year to pay for it

it’s fucking shit

there’s no escape from santa claus

installed in every neon hall

deck the malls with a thousand trolleys

‘tis the season to be told what’s jolly

mainly by spending lots of money


I hate this empty pantomime 

let’s share our time instead of cash

creating memories that last

invent some new traditions

not dashing round the crowded stores

I’m bored with this production

millions queue with weary frowns

for plastic trash in gaudy town

is that your precious time well spent?



ChristmasconsumerismSpoken Word poetrywinter

◄ Glastonbury 1997. Don't Go There.

This Is Capitalism ►


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Don Matthews

Fri 14th Dec 2018 22:13

Great poem Janey. 'deck the malls with a thousand trolleys'- choice line ?

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Taylor Crowshaw

Fri 14th Dec 2018 21:59

Excellent poem...

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 14th Dec 2018 20:24

Much truth in these lines but, somehow, the pleasure always manages to seep through the "early days commerce" that we live
with nowadays. Even Tiny Tim would have his nose pressed up
against the window of a toy shop despite his parents' poverty-led
place in life. The theme that continues is the importance of a loving
family and the generosity of good caring friends.
Ebenezer Scrooge was Charles Dickens' stooge
To what is vital still;
The love of those who mean the most
And the generous spirit of good will.

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