The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 07:59 pm

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I'm a man and glad of it. I'm old and sad of it. I'm married and a dad of it. I'm a Brit but nomaded a bit. I'm a poet and sometimes not bad at it. I'm a fish among many in this life's great ocean. I've weaved through the waves with all their commotion. I've seen the great whales and felt great emotion. I've fed on the bottom with strange finny friends And been washed up dry on the gritty reef's end. I've swum alone and in small and large shoals. I've crossed the equator but never the poles. Got tired of drifting and floating free. On course for heaven, a flying fish me. This ocean is vast with currents so cruel. The sharks are many and so are the fools. Don't sink to the bottom. Don't bloat in your pride. For all of God's creatures there's time and tide. Comes the day we'll all be fished from the sea And angels will sort through the thee and the me. Some will be saved to swim evermore. Some will be thrown to the fiery shore. I've spoken my words. My bubbles I've blown. A fish among many swimming for home. Peace to the humble, the faithful, the bold, To all who hold what Icthus has told. ><>

Brave New Worlds

A sun sinks slowly in the west As rising ones effervesce Horizons narrow and draw near But sky no longer limits fear While mankind in various guises Blithely gathers plastic prizes Bends his bow by stretching truth Shoots his sins at heaven's roof The world turns still, as still as thunder But those who feast die of hunger The hungry sing sweet songs of praise And angels sternly shelve the days Under unseen eyes all seeing Staring hard the human being Blind to all beyond all knowing Sees his plastic prizes growing. ><>

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by afishamongmany

The Peoples Song (05/11/2019)

Long Days Disapearing (08/09/2019)

The Plains of Babylon (26/08/2019)

In the Red (27/07/2019)

Imprisoned or Prism (25/06/2019)

Thoughts about Thought (20/06/2019)

Blurred (14/06/2019)

Stairways (01/06/2019)

An Ode to The Puppiteers (18/05/2019)

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.


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Mon 25th Nov 2019 21:50

Thank you Po. I'm glad your getting something from my scribbling and keyboard tapping.
Not sure about your Baal Peor reference unless it's refering to the fact that we reap what we sow? But even with that there is grace, grace, amazing grace.
Go well
Yea keep our feet on the ground and our head in the clouds (depending of course on which clouds we mean).


Fri 1st Nov 2019 19:54

maybe bald heads are contributing to Global Warming.
there seems to be more of both!

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Tue 27th Aug 2019 22:03

d.k. thanks for your poems, Your stuff has a breadth and depth, simplicity and sincerity.
Go well


Tue 27th Aug 2019 03:09

Dear Afisha,
thanks for your comment on
"white horses in a darkened field"

poetry is trying...
yet I try
as best I can.

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Tue 20th Aug 2019 21:12

Hi Philipos - You spin a good yarn, as they say. Saw your mud and blood piece on G Studdard.Kennedy. Don't usually like too much of that blood n' guts' stuff but that's a quality poem.
Go well


Mon 19th Aug 2019 22:10

Thank you for coming back to me on Tramp Ships - great to get good feed back. Will watch out for your poetic pearls. Blessings. P.

<Deleted User> (22158)

Sat 13th Jul 2019 20:18

Thanks afish, for your comment on "Nature's Nurture". I appreciate the input!


Sat 29th Jun 2019 23:26

i write in simple terms-
real poems are too complicated!

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Tue 18th Jun 2019 15:07

Chloé, Jason - Thank you muchly for your kind comments and encouragement.

d.k. - Those info cakes sometimes ya must take but they're not so yummy, too many will give ya data dyspepsia, they'll upset ya and give ya tummy ache. ? ><>


Mon 17th Jun 2019 11:17

Dear Afish (Irish or Arabian?)
thanks for reading my poem.

It says this site uses cookies.
try some.
they are delicious.

<Deleted User> (22158)

Fri 14th Jun 2019 17:57

Thank you, afishamongmany, for your kind and honest comment on my blog "Snob City". I have been enjoying myself as I browse your work and I especially enjoy the audio entries. Your voice is magnificent for vocal readings and it carries your stories well. Looking forward to reading and hearing more future work. Take care... J. Zane

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Thu 13th Jun 2019 06:25

Omg ... you have the greatest bio I’ve seen so far ( It’s so creative and well put together ). Gives a tiny glimpse into who you are

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Tue 11th Jun 2019 15:06

Hi Cynthia B.T. - Thanks for your kind words. And many thanks for the proof pick up. Feel free to flag up any you find. The little rascals, they're always popping up. ?
Sorry to hear that you've been poorly. Health and strength to you.

d.k. - sad to say I'm still often 'all at sea'. ?
Go well


Tue 11th Jun 2019 12:26

never mind my last post
i see now you are male
and have lived in the ocean
many years.
when did you come to shore?


Tue 11th Jun 2019 12:23

Dear Afisha
thanks for your comment on
"Wireless World".
now...are you a man or woman
with a name like that
it's hard to tell.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 11th Jun 2019 10:44

Your work is so good! Thanks for your response to 'Pink Dress'.

Do check that tiny typo in your bio 'its currents are cruel'. (just because you're so good!)

Now that I'm better, I'll try to catch up with more of your work. With much pleasure, I'm sure.


<Deleted User> (21818)

Tue 11th Jun 2019 05:01

Thanks for the lovely comment on "A Game of Chess" and the continued support.?

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chris stevenson

Fri 7th Jun 2019 21:40

Hello , thanks for the comment ... watery feel to your bio' .. were
you at sea ? ...

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Sat 1st Jun 2019 21:18

d.k. - thanks for writing poems that I like. ?
Nationality? I'm British born and bred but my parents were Estonian.
How about you?
Go well ><>


Sat 1st Jun 2019 03:33

dear Afisha,
thanks for reading my poem.

by the way what nationality is Afishamongmany?


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Wed 22nd May 2019 10:10

Jason though you might enjoy this -

Said Zebedi nonchalantly sipping his tea Rhyme can be sublime but sometime a chime a chant a twisting slant that ignores you can't can be the plant that bears the rarest fragrantest flower that rears the shining climbing tower that awakens sleeping weeping cowards to see and say hooray hooray today came some really cool communication surprising inspiration such a sweet and strange sensation and please let's not forget in the creative sweat every asset by which the poet is beset alliteration personification metronomic syncopation and oh yes punctuation said Zebedi pouring yet another mug of best builders tea.

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Wed 22nd May 2019 10:07

Hi Jason - Really glad you enjoyed. Good poetry doesn't -have to - rhyme - but - it always has been and always will be a - major - possible component of - good poetry.
Go well ><>

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Jason Bayliss

Tue 21st May 2019 21:30

Really love that bio, as a commited rhymer I truly enjoy a poem with meaning but it's even better when it's really enjoyable to say as well.


<Deleted User> (21818)

Thu 16th May 2019 13:50

Hello. I really enjoyed reading your Bio. I thought that last stanza wrapped it up really well. Thank you for commenting on my poem 'The Beach'. I look forward to reading more from you. Thank you. Jane

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Mon 13th May 2019 10:11

Hello Mae and Ankita - Thank you both. I'm still getting orientated as to comments/likes/notifications/etc so I may be 'missing' somethings I should be responding to. Cyberspace is such a mazing place.
Go well ><>

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Mae Foreman

Sun 12th May 2019 21:09

Welcome dear Fish! ?

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Ankita Srivastava

Sat 11th May 2019 23:05

Loved your bio.. Such a simple yet beautiful collection of words describing about self is really impressive. I loved in the bio how every word captures deep meaning.


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