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I saw before me faces float
White to black they passed by rote
They mouthed their words, they smiled their smiles
As shadow passed across the dial.

Saw I too their souls aslumber
Each one written with a number
They dreamed their dreams, they made their plans
As trickled through the glass the sands.

Saw I a scavenging lion come
To take their bodies one by one
He roared his roar, he paced about
As watchmen on the wall did shout

Saw I another lion leap
And over all the dead did weep
He roared his roar his voice it rang
As upturned faces danced and sang.





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Wed 27th Nov 2019 19:57

Thank you muchly Po, Don and HA;
Po - speeling is what we do and good spelling adds to the magic.
Punctuation articutlates a lump and multiplies its dimensions.
Don - happy<->tea- They rhyme! They rhyme! and please, one handed clapping only.
Hamza - welcome to this place where WOLers meet. Keep your feet grounded good.

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Hamzah Aslam

Tue 26th Nov 2019 22:01

The rhythm and flow that it brings...

Simply epic!

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Don Matthews

Tue 26th Nov 2019 21:24

I am a little rhymer
Happy rhymes with tea
Syncopatic metronation?
Fishy muddles me

Wot's that? Happy doesn't rhyme with tea Po ?


Thankyou Fish.

Where's your clapclap Po ?


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Mon 25th Nov 2019 21:33

Po, Don, apropos "ryhme" I repost this from a few months back:-

Zebedi nonchalantly sipping his tea said rhyme can be sublime but sometime a chime a chant a twisting slant that ignores you can't can be the plant that bears the rarest fragrantest flower that rears the shining climbing tower that awakens sleeping weeping cowards to see and say hooray hooray today came some really cool communication surprising inspiration such a sweet and strange sensation and please let's not forget in the creative sweat every asset by which the poet is beset alliteration personification metronomic syncopation and oh yes punctuation said Zebedi pouring another mug of best builders tea.

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Don Matthews

Mon 25th Nov 2019 07:20

I am a little rhymer
A rhymer happy me
What am I gonna rhyme about
Dunno. Wot's on for tea ?


Thankyou Po.....


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Sun 24th Nov 2019 22:09

Thanks Po - ah a poem without a rhyme is still a poem for o' that and some 'poems' with a ryhme a line just ain't.
A fish who fishes men- now Po there's an idea for a poem.
Bed time, go well ><>

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