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In a warehouse, in a cage a child sits

In bits

Clinging to her only comfort a blanket of foil

And whilst we all recoil

at the horror on display

Theresa May declares although it’s not ok

 She will wait and chat in her special friend’s ear....  only when he is here  

Whilst umbilical cords of family ties

Are severed bleeding out amid cries .............................of utter anguish

At trumps behest babies wrenched from mothers breast

Infants caged, alone and isolated

Families split in a brutal game of utter utter shame

 It’s Farwell to child welfare

As Trumps lack of humanity is laid bare

Like a scene from a handmaids tale

Families torn apart on a scale........ Reminiscant of the holocaust

This is a vile outrage

Yet it’s taking place on the world’s stage in full view

Trump quoting zero tolerance with pumped up pride

we cannot let this slide

 just accepting

An obsession to instil acts of increasing   oppression....... of people’s human dignity

We need the state to intervene 

Impeach overthrow ‘Trump the Obscene’ 

And Install him in his own cage

In which the vile despot

Can basically go rot





◄ Ravenscar- The Town That Never Was

Pissing Up The Wall ►


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Christine Renshaw

Tue 24th Jul 2018 09:56

thank you x

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Janey Colbourne

Mon 23rd Jul 2018 22:45


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