emotional (Remove filter)
To be loved or not to be
Love is an action, not just words
I tend to hear people say they “love me”
But they hardly ever call
They say they “love me”
But they never want to meet up
They say they “love me”
But aren’t there for me
I see the action of avoidance
Not love.
I see them make effort for someone else
But not for me.
Is this a glitch?
Why am...
Wednesday 18th September 2024 3:07 pm
I cannot
But I want to
The words
Just don't
I feel big
That I don't
How to deal with
I can work through
But I cannot
I cannot
And it hurts
Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:35 pm
the things you left
You left me
half-full plant pot ashtrays, old mugs of midnight teas, a jacket you spent too much on, the dregs from cheap red wine, rolled up train tickets, desecrated baggies,
and a dent on your side of the bed.
Tuesday 12th November 2019 11:00 pm
A Ghastly Evening
All the ghosts have gone to bed,
We say goodbye to our honored dead,
To the horizon they are lead,
As we contemplate what they said.
The veil was deftly traveled,
Guided by voices, acting like scaffold,
Loved ones called to be dazzeled,
As the world of the living becomes unraveled.
Not just love ones cross that veil,
Evil comes without fail,
Sprinitng across...
Friday 1st November 2019 3:35 pm
Who Say's I Can't Be Happy All The Time
Singing and dancing makes me happy all day,
It makes me happy in every single way,
Who says I can't be happy all the time,
If I was then would that be a crime,
I now know I could live alone,
Because my heart and soul has really grown,
I used to try and share my joy,
To every girl and boy,
I'll keep it to myself,
Even if I get left on the shelf,
Because nothing bothers me anymore,
I will...
Wednesday 19th December 2018 1:37 pm
Escaping the darkness
She has dark days and dark nights, and bright days and starry skies. He was diluting the darkness into brightness. But then he became annoyed at her darkness and started to see it all the time even when it wasn’t there. He would poke and prod for it, he was finding boxes of darkness that didn’t exist until he started creating them and suddenly she had more to carry than she realised. He was shouti...
Monday 12th March 2018 12:19 am
I remain broken
Pretty pink.
Soft, baby pink.
Gentle, rose petal pink.
Full of love, heart shaped pink.
Lipstick for the ladies pink.
Sickly-sweet icing pink.
Prim and proper,
don’t get your dress dirty,
“You’re such a girl,” he jokes,
As I refuse the offer, of one of his, ‘smokes.’
His eyes alive wit...
Wednesday 24th January 2018 10:18 am
I Know Who I Am
Eyes that seek truth,
A heart that knows no bounds
A mind that eludes and intimidates
A soul that is and always was free
Determined and passionate
Emotional but strong
I can get through anything
Even when I don't want to
There are times when I do not know myself
These times are hard
Patience will show my path
I'm so grateful I was not alone
I'm still not al...
Tuesday 21st November 2017 3:50 pm
How can I tell her that I love her?
How can I show her my true feelings?
If the words “I Love You” are dwarfed compared to what I feel.
Not even all the jewelry and roses of the world could equal her beauty.
How can I describe to her?
That every time I see her my surroundings cancel out.
She is my center of attention,
That for her my heart aggressively pounds.
Wednesday 25th January 2017 1:18 am
Tell me I'm broken
Tell me that it's too late to glue all the pieces back together
Like a shit mosaic we made when there was nothing better to do
My body is a vinyl that no one's played in years
Scratched and distorted but the music is still the same just heard by different ears
If my body is a temple in which my mind is the God of it's intention
Then I must surely be an athiest
...Saturday 14th January 2017 11:52 pm
Betrayal stabs like a dagger,
Cutting slices of my heart into 10 million scattered pieces,
The open wound lingers eternally,
Blood clots clump into a swamp of hate and anger,
The horizon does not rebirth the putrid, frozen tissue,
Feelings of filth and deceit seep through every cell of my dying body,
The bond that was once so strong rots into the sewage of what ...
Thursday 23rd June 2016 4:08 pm
The Endless Pit
The crack of dawn, yet absent of light
Darker than the hours preceding
Only one could dread a new day
But it's a constant battle and endless fight
To rise from this dungeon
To enter this isolated Hell
The morning is slow, yet all too short
Lead weights on all limbs and eyes
No routine, but a mission
To begin each day, Only to distort
The true soul trapped inside
Tuesday 18th August 2015 4:09 am
Severed Connection
Friday 22nd May 2015 3:02 am
To Live Dead
Friday 22nd May 2015 2:58 am
A Broken Mind, a Sound Body
My head hurts
My eyes are spinning
Friday 22nd May 2015 2:51 am
Do you hear that?
That sound?
Its the sound
of your beating heart.
And theres a reason why
it continues to beat.
So, don't hurt yourself or end it
because, someone has hurt you
emotionally or physically.
I say this because, I had also
thought about ending my own life
because, of others had hurt me.
So, listen.
Listen to me...
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 2:15 am
Actions vs Words
(I've been struggling to show anyone this poem for a long time but I've been inspired to let it free. These feelings are behind me now and it turns out writing was to thank for that afterall)
How does someone stop cutting?
Do they cut into the paper instead?
Replace flesh and blood with diaries and ink,
Replace physicality with mentality,
Replace actions with words,
It isn’t enough.
...Saturday 13th September 2014 11:35 am
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