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A bowler's lament
1976, that summer’s heat making light work of my shoddy whites.
Sweat beads slip from my crown, wiped from my brow,
They run the bails of my fingers, to where a rubicund sphere sits.
As a boy, it held no mystery, taught me no lessons,
It told no lies, held no surprise, a simple ball to my eyes.
And I, a player in its game, out in the field, making up the numbers.
That cri...
Thursday 22nd April 2021 3:06 pm
280 characters
From being alive to reduced to a few characters,
A whole life condensed into a hashtag.
What is happening isn’t brutality but massacres,
By those who proudly serve the American flag.
Colin Kaepernick took the knee for us,
But George Floyd bear the weight of it.
He suffocated under 400 years of prejudices,
But they’ll never understand.
Monday 8th March 2021 11:02 am
Blessed mother so blessed
To raise a boy so kind so giving
To practice forgiveness always forgiving
Blessed mother we thank you for the blessing you brought us
Praiseworthy son the message he taught us
Rare teenage boy with morals unique
Praiseworthy words Her boy he would speak
He still lives Blessed Mother..His greatness so strong
His Praiseworthy message through God's gentle song
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 9:45 am
Criticized, Plagiarized, Ostracized, … Still, we are Here!
Survivors, Overcomers, … Strength to Persevere!
But we’ll settle with Equality, Transparency and a system that’s Fair!
No More… No longer... We won’t accept despair!
We’re not playing games, and we have no more fear!
We’ll March... We’ll Riot... and We’ll tear down your town’s square!
Black Lives Matter!
Thursday 13th August 2020 6:20 am
May never a Cock in England Crow,
Nor never a Pipe in Scotland Blow,
Nor never a Harp in Ireland Play,
Till Liberty regains Her Sway.
The Skelmanthorpe Flag, West Yorkshire, c. 1819
May all the Choirs in Wales Sing,
and the Liberty Bell in America Ring,
and the Dancers of India stamp their Feet,
till Decolonisation is Complete.
May Caribbean Poets Rhyme,
and Jazz Bands Play in...
Monday 27th July 2020 3:10 pm
Hate and fear looking for attention
Believing everything told to you without any proof
Their power comes from your lack of education
White tears are colored with ignorance
Hate does not make you a hero
Just make you lose your job
Now your a zero
White tears are colored with fear
Other people that don't look like you
Not living the way you think they should
Call someone to correct...
Saturday 25th July 2020 1:38 pm
Distinguish the fires from last night bring justice to the light
Fighting through the social misery just to make it to the right side of history
Another day goes by and I am still here still alive
Turn up Marvin and sing along here the words still strong
Fighting in the streets a brother on his knees for justice and peace
All the while the leaders continue their deceit lac...
Saturday 25th July 2020 4:46 am
I am angry.
I am angry at men, and women
and children and mothers and fathers.
my body is full of unbridled rage, that the ones
I love and care about, sometimes even myself,
can turn a blind eye to the atrocities right in front of us.
Children ripped from their mothers
Young people blinded and beaten for speaking the truth
Men spewing bile, cruelty, poison to hide the
depths of their...
Monday 20th July 2020 2:14 pm
Amputation & Education
Amputation & Education
Some wounds won’t scab over
As some wounds never heal
They are infected by colonial blades
That hot irons won’t seal
Puss filled abominations
tainted by avarice and greed
you cannot absolve the guilty knife
whilst open wounds still bleed
You say ‘history was not written in pencil,
You cannot rub it out’
It’s not what it was written ...
Tuesday 14th July 2020 12:08 pm
dare you to tell me you don't get it (07/05/2020)
crystalline echos
of webs run jagged
collapsing against the face
of what history wrought.
winds stripping flesh:
the immolate cries
at a thousand stakes
freed from the old mortar
churned under one hundred years
by the twisting abuse of saints.
you'll know me
by the raw and torn:
by the salted splines
of feathers shorn
bristling under embers
and by ire
you'll know m...
Sunday 5th July 2020 3:01 pm
all lives matter?
All lives matter?
You mean the people in Care Homes?
The G.I Joes who died on the beaches of Normandy
The guys who never came back from Vietnam and the folks they sprayed with Agent Orange?
The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The body bags brought back from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The native American Indians?
You mean General Custer’s life mattered.
The homeless?
Do th...
Sunday 14th June 2020 2:07 pm
Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies
Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies
They say that pulling down statues
Is rewriting history
As though the sculptors who made them
Were historians
And not some commissioned artist
Doing what he was told
Sell me something more than snake oil and lies
It is a form of history
Cast in the wealthy viewpoint
From the stance of the privileged
Thursday 11th June 2020 2:21 pm
Hands Up, On Your Knees
Hands up
On your knees
It’s not an instruction
It’s a threat
Because your skin
Your hands
Your hoodie
Are a weapon
So you drop
You drop like Trayvon’s skittles
You drop like Tamir’s BB pellets
You drop like Michael’s cigars
Or you drop dead.
Each breath could be your last
Breathe breathe breathe
I can’t breathe
Please, please, I can’t breath...
Wednesday 10th June 2020 1:09 am
The Truth Of Colour
The Truth Of Colour
The colour of humanity
Is not white skin
Or black skin
Not brown skin
Or yellow skin
It is the red blood
Of a beating heart
A blue shield
Is not the colour of humanity
When it takes a life
And all the greys
of muddled opinions
cannot change the truth
that a man could not breathe
because his skin colour
Saturday 6th June 2020 3:53 pm
The power of colour
Calling onto the masses
Whom no amount of classes
Would open their eyes
To the hate and despise
That people of colour receive
And how their hearts grieve
To the endless blood shed
And countless bodies dead
To years of uncalled for attacks
And merciless whacks
To all the foolish, never forget
That you are in great debt
To all the souls you have scarred
And dead bodies you disregard
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 2:54 am
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