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Masquerade of the Damned

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On the city's stage where shadows intertwine
The vampires rise with hungry eyes that shine
And the audience, lost in a desperate trance
Watches the dance of predators in their dance

The theater’s a broken mirror, cruelly it reflects
Each act a silent cry, in pain it intersects
Instead of applause, tears fall like rain
And the vampires with sharp teeth dance through the pain

They feast on shattered hopes, dreams gone awry
On loves betrayed as they wither and die
While the audience, masked in indifferent disguise
Watches the show with vacant eyes

Innocent blood stains the stage in red
And the vampires with their claws spread
Tearing through illusions to reveal the stark
In a world where suffering is the only mark

And I, with a heart broken and soul torn apart
Gaze upon the scene with a heavy heart
Knowing in each act of pain, my torment is shown
And beauty hides in the scars that we've known



◄ New York in the '80s: The Cry of the Abyss

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