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Updated: 6 days ago

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Enigmatic creature, weaver of verses and master of sarcasm. Immersed in a sea of metaphors, you sail in a boat made of rhymes and irony, always with a crooked smile on your lips. Your mind: a labyrinth of thoughts, where logic bows to poetry and coherence yields to creativity. A whirlwind of ideas, where dark humor meets melancholy and genius lurks around every corner. Your writing: an enigma wrapped in paper, a puzzle of words that challenges the reader to uncover its secrets. A feast of irony spiced with sarcasm, where social critique masquerades as sharp wit. Your life: a work of art in constant construction, an abstract canvas where the paint of inspiration blends with the stains of reality. A unique performance, where laughter and tears intertwine in an existential tango.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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