The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sunday, Oh Sunday....

entry picture

I need to tell you something
Sunday is so boring, I can't take it anymore
To sit around and do nothing
Then roll on the couch, no energy to explore

I need to breathe
The same air that reminds me tomorrow's work will arrive
And on my skin, I don't want the sun
Because it just reminds me the weekend's already done

I need to touch you
But you're on your phone, not even noticing me
And return to a dream? No way
I can't take it anymore
A Sunday without Netflix, so dull, such a bore

I need to figure out
How to make time pass without dying of despair
Watch the sun set and already grieve
Because Monday's coming, ready to make us believe

Pretend it's still early
But the clock insists on speeding up the countdown
Pretend it's still early
But Monday's already around the corner, just waiting to come

Pretend it's still early
But the pile of laundry is already giving you the side-eye
Pretend it's still early
And let your heart cry, because tomorrow it's back to the grind

From the heart...
(Which is already counting the days until next Saturday.)



◄ Bob Dylan

Patience ►


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