peaceful (Remove filter)
Just Another Day
There isn’t much to say today,
It’s just an ordinary day.
But I can’t get enough of it;
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Though some spice wouldn’t be so bad,
Without spice, I would still be glad.
And if I had to make a choice,
Still, I would choose the same, with all I had.
Tuesday 17th September 2024 1:45 pm
The Stream
The Stream
Pit brown, eddies like molasses
Trout, their underbellies speckled
with mottled brown marks swim
inside a subterranean world
Ceaseless the water runs
Never the same pattern
As in life the moment passes
and can never be lived again.
Saturday 19th November 2022 5:24 pm
When the birds take back their language,
when the trees unloose
their tenderly hands from around you,
when the air doesn't breathe
and the seas are tearing,
when the flowers whisper:
No, you own nothing,
then remember:
You're visitor,
honoring the hospitality.
Tuesday 17th September 2019 8:25 pm
Where is the magic?
We all start out knowing magic.
We are born with hurricanes and whirlwinds,
oceans and galaxies inside us.
We are able to sing to birds and read the clouds
and see the destiny in grains of sand.
But we have forgotten the magic
and we feel without compass, alone and desperately,
only selfishness, only pain, fear and darkness.
But, magic of love has nev...
Sunday 25th August 2019 4:33 pm
You came in to this world
with enough light to find
your way out of the dark,
enough kindness to save a soul,
enough love to shift a planet.
Don't worry, you are enquipped
with all you could ever need.
Look with in,
you are drenched in magic.
Saturday 24th August 2019 9:27 pm
Kerala Visit
kerala is peaceful and beautiful
in all cases and places
Keralite people are so cheerful
I can read "welcome" on faces
The Green Carpet of all guests
and pure nature to enjoy
generous people happily smiling
at any time of any day
Life in Kerala based on love
and clear hearts for caring
I love Kerala more than enough
I'll come back sure for sharing
Friday 29th March 2019 3:47 pm
Time lies like a guardian angel,
lost in a past
that shall leave a trace,
safe within the pleats
of this life's fabric.
Look and remember
a white poppy's petal
that brushes gentle as night
across our peaceful faces
with silken care.
Chris Hubbard
Tuesday 11th December 2018 3:44 am
Art of my dreams
You are the art of my dreams.
The muse of my thoughts
and the sweetness of my soul.
a gentle aura surrounding mine
sending messages through the skin and bone
what a funny way to live,
what a peaceful time
to be alive.
to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions
to desire not only a life
but two paths in one.
-G. N. D.
Friday 14th September 2018 2:25 am
Peaceful moment
Then all stops
For an infinite moment
All worries fall silent
All thoughts take rest
All wants are forgotten
All noise welcome past
As energy flows
All needs are met
Thursday 13th September 2018 1:37 pm
Let The Night Fall
Let The Night Fall
Let the night fall and cover us
with heavy molasses sleep
that makes our bodies
sink into soft linen sheets.
Clouds of pillows
swirling round
our dream filled heads.
Let the night fall and still
the howling creatures
clawing at the doors
of our subconscious..
Folds of duvet
the ravages of life.
Let ...
Tuesday 10th April 2018 2:44 pm
The Peaceful Beach
There's nothing that can beat
Walking along the beach
With the waves hitting your feet
In the scorching heat
Miles of soft, golden sand
I run some through my hand
Waves splashing against the shore
Is a sound that I adore
Feeling the warm breeze
Puts me at such ease
I tilt my head up towards the sun and smile
And close my eyes for a while
This beach is my paradise
Its tranquility...
Friday 22nd September 2017 10:33 am
Adiuva Me
Now help me...
Help me, cry out.
As I'm in a peaceful place, but I believe it's hell.
Thursday 14th September 2017 9:14 am
Solitude's serenity
Solitude's serenity.
Hard won.
Solace in loneliness achieved only post-turmoil.
Mind-spin thought-paths create anxiety, confusion.
Smash-render peace elusive illusion.
Prevent slow succour-drift.
Heart-ache loneliness from gut-yearn apprehension resists calm.
Peace in tranquility hideous-mind forbidden.
Persistent thought-loops cover unpalatable memories, memes, paradi...
Saturday 11th March 2017 1:33 am
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