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Solitude's serenity

Solitude's serenity.

Hard won.

Solace in loneliness achieved only post-turmoil.

Mind-spin thought-paths create anxiety, confusion.

Smash-render peace elusive illusion.

Prevent slow succour-drift.


Heart-ache loneliness from gut-yearn apprehension resists calm.

Peace in tranquility hideous-mind forbidden.

Persistent thought-loops cover unpalatable memories, memes, paradigms.

Bring on destructive notions.


Internal angst-wrack smashes mirror-calm.

Shatters once-found tranquil rapture.


Calming strategy self-soothes.

Grounding, consistent thread prime mind-battle defence.


Mental destruction-habit dominates pacifying promise.


Calm, still, iterative journey from horror to peace.

Imaginary Dread overthrown through mental discipline.

Thought-form crises dissipate, rendered impotent under confident progress.

Self-awareness; internal Demons self-exorcise under analysis.


Rest comes post-turmoil.


Solitude is beautiful if you know yourself.

Solitude is never lonely in self-love.

Serenity is your own company.



lonleysolitudealonepeacefulfinding tranquility

◄ Snowflake

Second Hand Living ►


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Fri 17th Mar 2017 21:46

Thanks Emer.

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Emer Ni Chorra

Sun 12th Mar 2017 17:53

Brilliant. I really love the last verse. Well done ?

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