heaven (Remove filter)
DJ 🕊️💔
If there is a heaven above I know are there,
The souls you connected with on this earth are left in despair.
To know the world will never see your full potential is truly unfair,
A diamond in the rough that exceeded all expectations which is rare.
Rest easy my fellow baller and take care.
Sunday 2nd February 2025 7:12 pm
The Cathedral
Father told me, when i was young, that his mother told him ‘if you can fit pinky to thumb around your wrist you are too thin’. When I managed to grasp my arm half way up, pinky to my thumb, I saw success. It’s hard to see sadness when you are sick. Mother taught me forgiveness was not earnt, but expected. So, when you lied to me I knew what I was to do next.
The cathedral was o...
Monday 17th June 2024 7:34 am
How Heaven
It seems that life’s a limbo so if eternity is as well,
it’s hard to not conclude that every outcome will be hell.
For everything we do, in time fades into mundane dust.
The shiny steel of bliss today each next day gains more rust.
So how can Heaven hold its awe when eons pass like days?
For golden streets walked once too oft seem normal in their ways.
There mu...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:48 pm
new year’s resolution
heaven’s scent,hell’s glory
hell is a scent of glory
hell is a hell of a new year
glory is a hell of a glory
the new year is a scent of a new year
glory is the new year’s hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of hell
the coming of the new year is,
the coming of a glory
a coming is a coming of glory
new year is a resolution of a new year
new year is a resolution of a glory
Friday 5th January 2024 7:34 pm
a founding grace
from heaven to grace
from heaven to speaking grace
speak is speaking grace
speak is speaking the lord of grace
jesus is a lord of grace
speaking grace is speaking the lord of grace
grace is speaking grace
a son is a son of grace
a son is a son of the lord
jesus is a son of grace
jesus is a son of the lord
a son of grace is a son of a lord
heaven is a founding grace
a son of grace is...
Thursday 5th January 2023 6:39 pm
Angelie 🕊
A new angel joined the ranks in heaven above,
Never imagined attending your funeral and sending you off with doves.
Gone but our memories of you will live on,
Ever present in all our hearts where you belong.
Loved by many and we are all struggling with this loss,
In the next life we shall reunite, when it’s my time to cross.
Everyday we will get to...
Monday 24th January 2022 1:53 pm
at rest at last
she sees no light
finally gave up without a fight
left no partner
or one to mourn
her destiny beneath stone and lawn
how did she live
for eighty years
yet leave behind a dearth of tears?
or is there life
beyond this vale
that gives a meaning to her tale?
maybe she got
her just dessert
to make up for a life of hurt
Wednesday 8th September 2021 10:49 am
Do you grieve in heaven?
Do you grieve in heaven?
Do you feel hollow too?
Do you feel like something's missing?
Like our incompletion without you.
Goodbyes were not granted to us,
Does this upset you too?
Does grief hit you by surprise?
An oppression you never knew?
Or is Olympus free of mourning?
And you have no suffering heart?
Will we meet in the city of immortals,
Will it feel like we've been apart?
Tell m...
Thursday 26th August 2021 2:29 pm
The Ride Home
maelstrom sky correlates to water
fomenting monumental ocean rage
lifts to the brink of heaven,
slicing down toward a yawning
swirling hole
navigation is futile now, gone awry
step outside to assess,
the water explodes onto the deck,
almost washing me out to sea
slaps me off my feet,
o, I don’t want to be
send up flares, call SOS
all voiceless by the sea’s fury
so alone, hel...
Monday 15th March 2021 12:25 am
He was your sworn protector on earth,
Who took an oath to look after you since birth.
Now your spirit guardian residing in heaven,
The angel guiding you daily and sending ample blessings.
Thursday 11th March 2021 10:16 am
Rengoku 煉獄
Why was I brought into purgatory?
I took my life hoping death would be the final end to my story.
When will the purification process begin?
I’m tired of being punished for my previous life ruled by cardinal sins.
I feel like I’ve been here for centuries,
Stuck in a sempiternal loop tormented by past melancholic memories.
Whilst the fire slowly purges my soul,
I a...
Wednesday 10th March 2021 10:06 am
Heaven and Hell
What is it that attracts us to other human being so much we can’t breathe?
What is that gate to heaven and hell?
What is it that attracts me to you?
Mutual confusion.
Eyes in the dark, like reindeers in headlights. About to live?
What was life? What was all that fear and anger? Sweat, trembling, catching breath so hopelessly.
So hopelessly lost in you. Forever.
...Wednesday 3rd March 2021 1:09 am
Heaven Can Wait
The old boy got loose.
Strained at that chain for years;
He heard the barks of others,
wanted to know, to taste, to play,
& be free
Then one day, it happened.
He broke his rusty chain
& ran–
forgetting his bowl of easy food;
His pan of clean daily water.
Determined to experience everything,
feeling like a pup again.
He just kept running &
smelled everything,
licked everything
Tuesday 2nd March 2021 6:03 pm
There is a Later Train
This isn't the last train. But the late train
has no quiet cars. If a baby squalls no conductor
shushes her. You must shush her yourself.
The late train has no dining car. So board
this train now, or pack a picnic, your own
tablecloth, napkins, napkin-rings, silver,
porcelain. The late train has no schedule.
Depends on how many girlfriends the brakeman
wants to vi...
Wednesday 13th March 2019 2:00 am
The choice
Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”)
Who, in the World, chooses his birth?
Who chooses his family and children?
Who chooses his fate and country?
Who chooses the time to go to heaven?
But it is possible to choose our day
To sincerely care about family and work
This will be the first right step to our future
To achieve our goals while we're alive
Your name and countr...
Monday 25th February 2019 8:11 pm
Kicked Out of Heaven.
I finally figured it out
How to get up there pre-death.
I crawled my way up to you
Without leaving my own bed.
I tried to break you out
But they wouldn't let you leave.
I tried to break you out
To bring you home with me.
I got kicked out of heaven
No they won't let me back.
They said if I ever tried again
To prepare myself for attack.
I'll go back everyday
If I had the slighte...
Monday 28th May 2018 7:52 pm
A LIGHT in the dark
I would love to write about the : ) and lols
I would love to write about heaven instead of hell
I would love to write about those who rise instead of fell
I would love to write the life of a man who doesn’t dwell
On the negative instead of the positive reactions
On the hopelessness instead of the hope that comes through passion
On the hate instead of the love that’s everlasting
...Friday 23rd March 2018 1:01 am
The Eye of Morning
The Eye of Morning
I am the arrow of dawn, and
rise as the archer kneels,
strains his bow, sets the sky ablaze,
dissolves at the borderland
between light and shade, Heaven
and Hell; his firebrands mere crass
cascades of incendiary petals,
guttering in chiaroscuro swells.
Behold the evanescent rose-glow
of morning's opening eye.
Chris Hubbard
Perth. 201...
Friday 20th October 2017 1:41 pm
Adiuva Me
Now help me...
Help me, cry out.
As I'm in a peaceful place, but I believe it's hell.
Thursday 14th September 2017 9:14 am
Tears, Earned
Our Beloved Mother, Another year, another birthday without you. Miss everything about you...gone but never forgotten. As much as our Mother lives on in our hearts we miss her terribly so...and days like these, especially a day like today, when we should be celebrating all of her, with her .We can't because she was taken from us a long time ago. It feels like forever yet the memories and pain ...
Saturday 19th August 2017 1:30 pm
now start breathing,
everything around is around for the same reason.
Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling
i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.
When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,
in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason
we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.
Well to move...
Monday 15th May 2017 3:45 am
Returning Home
Returning Home
Will the birds sing in the garden
Will we go down to the sea
Will we build our castles of sand
Will there still be scones for tea
Will my father still be smoking
Will he jog me on his knee
Will summer days still last forever
Will there still be scones for tea
Will we dream of great adventures
Will westerns still be on TV
Will we sit ar...
Wednesday 22nd March 2017 5:06 pm
In my times of tribulations,
Arrived my salvation.
One might think it was an angel,
It was, but in the form of a girl.
She brought light into my life,
My prayer of hope in the flesh.
Her name alone is a prayer,
That brings easiness to my heart and head.
She makes me be a better man,
She has taught me to trust and love.
With her eyes, she stops time.
With ...
Wednesday 25th January 2017 1:14 am
From Lexus To Flames
Helping other people can become infectious
so if your wealthy enough to drive a Lexus
consider the impact of gifts to a poor family
let those generous ideals bring hope willingly
to all that are struggling without fault of their own
for decent jobs are not there for all as is shown
by the queues at food banks and rooms to rent
as all the income they have is far too soon spent…
Wealth is ...
Monday 18th May 2015 7:41 pm
One Day
Everyday is a journey.
Everyday something is learned.
Everyday each one of us is loved.
And everyday is a brand new day.
But, like you and everyone else
I will take my last breath
and say my last goodbyes.
And when I do
don't feel sorrow
because one day
we will all have to leave.
So, when that day comes
know that I'll be watching
over you from above,
know that I'll always be wi...
Friday 24th October 2014 10:07 pm
In the name of God and Satan
(I'm aware this is a controversial poem and I hope not to offend anyone but I make no conclusions, I only ask questions)
The nature was deteriorating.
The sky was falling down,
raining pieces of ashy soot,
crashing and burning
and you weren't there.
Why weren't you there?
The birds squawked and screeched
and in-between their cries were mine, calling
and I was reaching out to you.
I ask...
Sunday 31st August 2014 8:34 pm
Do All Dogs go to Heaven?
Do all Dogs
go to Heaven?
I sure hope
It's true.
Cause when I
get to Heaven
I want to be
there with you.
You are gone
now but
for a
short while.
When I see
you again
I'll have a
big smile.
I'll sit upon
the ground
while you run
that crazy little circle.
Monday 18th August 2014 4:57 pm
Slow motion
Living life at
Speed, if you blink,
You will miss it, thundering
Down the road to hell, thinking
This is not the Promised Land, since
You wanted something cooler, never
Planning an afterlife of flames,
A somewhat hottish heaven.
I found the way by going
Slow, do everything
At 33 instead
Of 78.
Sunday 13th October 2013 12:57 pm
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