The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

birth (Remove filter)

Mother the Mother

A series of haiku poems inspired by the wonderful nurturing, supportive mothers in my life - thank you for *planting the forest* :


I am a splinter 

What I need is a forest 

Mother the Mother 


Tender and swollen 

Every inch of my being

Mother the Mother 


Sitting in silence 

Musing, panicking, drowning 

Mother the Mother 


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Born for the Morning

I was told my past was perfect 

so, to bring back some of the feeling 


every day I set my alarm for 8:20AM 

the time Mum said I was born. 


Waking has become a re-creation 

an affirmation, making my daily rise 


a reset, and precious kick start 

toward a future better than yesterday. 

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birth of new foundation

birth of mankind
birth is a new birth of joy
a new foundation is a new birth of joy
foundation is foundation of joy
mankind is founded by joy
mankind is founded by mankind
new joy  is new birth of joy

birth is a new joy founded by new joy
foundation is founded by a new birth of joy
new joy is new foundation
birth of mankind is a birth of joy
joy is founded by joy
joy is founded by a ...

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Stay with me

A child without influence

Conceived lacking counsel

A child of slender chance

Cry, cry, cry until

This silent life, held in hand, is yours

To shout, I am she,

Hammer deaths doors

Stay my love, stay with me

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Unrecognized by the court

I was a few hours old. I was not recognized at the hospital or the court. I did not exist in the eyes of those around me, aside from the doctor. I was mom and dad’s little princess. Years later, the name stuck. Credit Valley Hospital refused to admit that I’ve just been given life in that very room of the ICU. All other medical staff failed to see that I am Cassandra Louise Di Lalla and that I am ...

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Ye Tale Of Brave Sir Moppalot

Ye Tale Of Brave Sir Moppalot


I wasn’t quite there yet

So this story is told second hand

Of the bravest and noblest knight

To ever gallop over this land


He was sitting quietly at home

When a neighbour just down the street

Knocked on the castle door

To advise him to get on his feet


A princess in need of his help

Had called out his name in the night


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birthday 17family talefatherknightlegendnapowrimo2018noble


These two poems I think pair up well together.  The first written to celebrate the birth of our first grandchild five years ago, the second written last year after a visit and time spent with him and his two brothers.

Nathaniel's Villanelle

Now welcome into this world little one.

You know no-one, nothing yet,

Yet from Him who knows all you come.


Your father, your mother als...

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birthchildrengenerationsgowing up


You ask if I believe in God...
How can I not?

To deny my Father
means I leave my existence
to some 30 year old predator
who impregnated a girl half his age
and left her to raise their child
in the wilderness, among wolves 
that feed on loneliness and despair.

Without my Father, I would never know
that after suffering comes deliverance,
pain leads to compassion,
forgiveness breaks b...

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affectionbabybirthchildrendeliverancedespairdesperationfaith familyfatherforgivenesshopelonelinessnatureprayerrelationships spiritualityreligion

The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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The day I met you

The day I met you

My soul awoke;

a sound of crying so joyous I could cry myself
The thought of opening my eyes

without the sound this little life I created would be just as scary as it was

when she had opened hers in the first

moments of life 
She lit up my night sky
She came to me with golden hair
The color people would dye to have
For her, I'd die a million times to have al...

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birthchild babyDaughtermotherhood

A new C word

Now there's a new C word in town 

10 months in, the word CURED blasts free

In the same chair, same room by the same careful man 

Where we heard that other C word everyone fears

This one is C for celebration 

Not C for Christ no, can't believe it

A new day to celebrate through the onward years

A day as special as a birth

The C pebble dropped and happiness ripples spread and ...

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They say..

They say 5 a day and a number of vaccines are what you need to be healthy                          

They say that cancer can't be cured and that a plant should be outlawed, but what's the reality

They say we need to go to war but we've heard it all before, and it's not how it should be            

They say we need to vote so get in line, as if we have a choice this time, they act like we'...

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We enter this world on days when life is slightly kinder

Pushed by our family in our pushchair, 

we are content.

As we've grown, we are given happiness as a gift



We are given happiness with gifts, 

the sweetness of our mother's kiss, 

the softness of a kitten

We were unaware of the concept of age

We gave love willingly, 

our first kiss being messy and conf...

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The babies keep coming


into the world

petals opening disgorging


Mouths to feed

feeding feeding

milk flowing.

They pile up


scream and kick

another matter of pride

to show off.

Tick one more box

box ticked move on

over the horizon the

petals are pulsing

and absorbing


The world blinks and is missed


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The Butterfly Effect

I lay here cradling my mosaic heart, untwinned in your palms. My naked body and mind no longer intertwined, A fated dualistic death. I gave myself to you unwittingly, unknowingly, punishingly... Sensual, seductive emotions ravenously race through my every pore, One last butterfly kiss, wanting evermore. My heart decadently dances with perpetual palpitation...

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