The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Satan (Remove filter)

lucifer becomes god

let there be light
let there be angels
let there be demons
angels becomes angels
let there be dust
let there be mass
dust becomes dust

dust becomes angels
angels becomes mass
light becomes light
mass becomes mass
satan becomes satan
satan becomes light
lucifer becomes god

lucifer becomes light,light becomes dust
lucifer becomes light,dust becomes dust
lucifer becomes god,god be...

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Saša Milivojev




The Ancient of the Days, 

can you see what he is wearing,

Cardinal shoes made of children’s skin

wrung out from the veins

Last drop of blood that remains 

overflowing tankers


Come through the secret bunkers

Descend to the underground 

To the cities of gold

The gardens in diamonds a...

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deep Statesaša milivojevsasamilivojevSatan

Satan's Dustbin

Satan’s Dustbin


Satan, at number 666, is putting out the bins

Which are overflowing with hatred and all of mankind’s sins

The refuse collectors stay away they refuse to go near

Part of it’s the cloying smell and part of it’s just fear

Despite the warning label clearly stating ‘no hot ash’

He insists on putting them in there along with all the trash

The sad truth of his be...

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napowrimo2017day 9(70)satandustbinantisocialevilrubbishmoral tale

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #23 {Lucifer}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #23} {Lucifer} 



Lucifer is rising

faster than the

heavenly father `n` 

his angel's cannot his

lustful, sinful hands

of Lucifer as he grabs

your soulless souls

to bring you down

to his level `n` to his

burning hellish throne

for that one mistake

that everyone has

made as we perish

`n` fade away into

the darkne...

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diary of the southern queendarkened poemdarkened poetryfictiongood & evilheaven & hellhelllifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationsad poemsad poetrySatanTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting to write

5 AM Thoughts

I'm a victim of your emptiness 

But you sure know how to fill me up

With your dick that it is

You don't speak 

But you choke me like I'm breathing all of your air

I no longer have air and you no longer have words

We're drowned by the sound of me struggling to breath

You encapture my lungs because they surround my soul

You are my Satan, I call you master

You've created me...

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In the name of God and Satan

(I'm aware this is a controversial poem and I hope not to offend anyone but I make no conclusions, I only ask questions)

The nature was deteriorating.
The sky was falling down,
raining pieces of ashy soot,
crashing and burning
and you weren't there.
Why weren't you there?
The birds squawked and screeched
and in-between their cries were mine, calling
and I was reaching out to you.
I ask...

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Beware the shadow by the corner dark,
For there he waits for seven reasons sour,
His wicked tongue hath limitless remark,
Whilst therein seeking whom he may devour.

Be sober and be vigilant thy kin,
Thy adversary waits beneath the pyre,
Then walks about as proud as the lion,
To drag thy wayward souls towards the fire.


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I Miss You

Hello there,

Angel from my nightmares.

Devil from my dreams

a grey spirit that weaves

its way through my existence.

What a Dementor does to souls

or a Dalek to a human heart.


Even a superhuman heart

can break.


Just ask Logan,

a force so strong

a returning phoenix

could not reignite remnants.


I miss you.

Whatever yo...

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lovelossinternetfeminismtumblrradfemfeminazitrutheternitymissyouherhimthemtogetherforeveralonesilentangeldemondevilsatanreligionzealotryKingdom HeartsDoctor WhoDaleksX-MenLoganWolverinePhoenixJean GreysuperheromutantsuperhumanTime Lordghostmemoryspirit





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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warviolencedeathfunkillsatandevilweaponsequal opportunities

Mendres Monologue

I'm playing Mendres, the identity of the devil and lead antagonist in an upcoming British film called Dark Domain.

I wrote this piece as a spoken word/metal fusion piece for the project.


Some say the pen is mightier than the sword,

But they all fear the might of my demonic horde.

I'm Mendres, I'm the devil incarnate,

I use the Dark Domain and I seal y...

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deathdevildark domainevil.MendresSatansci-fipoetryrockmetal

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