Angels (Remove filter)
angels don't blink (03/05/2025)
we invented angels .
beneath the brawn of skin
the pock of age
spinning sweat for escape
a purpose for craned necks
and volume for books
we needed a shape for hope.
indescernable from our fevered tongues
to spill us from these iron lungs
compressants quenched
and lift toward the spiraling smoke
the ecstacy of backroom chatter
of porch-lit memory
we invented angels.
...Wednesday 5th March 2025 2:24 pm
The Word Made Flesh
listen, look!
now here she is,
dispelling the gloom,
love the magician’s spells
make those angel voices heard.
the word made flesh, amongst us dwells,
love conquers all, she’s claimed the last word.
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh, 2nd December, 2024.
Monday 2nd December 2024 10:21 am
Dancing Darlings
Dancing sweet hearts wake one day
Summer break sing and play
Dancing darlings summers morn
Monday Mersey mums they mourn
Silent street dressed in flowers
Prayers on prayers crucial the hours
Dancing beauties nature's Purest
Harmonised with angels to heavenly chorus
Beyond heartache Unforgettable day
Endless love to God we pray
Tuesday 30th July 2024 1:07 pm
Hello Goodbye
A rosy glow adorns this morning’s sky,
today, we regulars pay our respects,
tomorrow, with an angel I will play.
A quiet bloke, he’d been around the world,
of Africa and engineering spoke,
of vintage motorbikes, and automatic cars,
the pros and cons of smart-or not-TVs,
of pacemakers, the NHS, and stuff,
and never took his little trilby off,
a different one from time to ...
Thursday 1st February 2024 9:35 am
Watching Over
An angelic child looks on with chubby cheeks
cupped in its hands. A picture on a stationary box
fished out of the trash. They're everywhere.
The stained glass seraph hovers above the window too.
It doesn't say much. A wish was directed to it once
but denied. At least, that's what it seemed. One October,
two writers united under its pearly wings, but their flow
was halted. It was protec...
Wednesday 14th July 2021 6:16 pm
nothing's certain anymore,
I dont know what matters,
confusion paints my head,
my inhibitions lie in tatters
I've found that special one
for whom I'd long yearned
to make up for those times
I'd had my fingers burned
always terrified of women,
felt they were over-sexed,
averse to the physical side,
passion left me perplexed
seemed safer to keep awa...
Thursday 6th May 2021 11:13 am
Fly the Skies
the psyches living in the presence shine
shine with fires of deep compassion
that flashing, pulse, like a strobe
to transport hearts about the globe
their secret is not hard to find
but every novice must commence blind
until an occupant descales their eyes
their boredom hides angelic skies
© Brian Hodgkinson Jr. (aka) Limericist 2021
Wednesday 31st March 2021 3:24 am
His Shining
Handed down from unknown ages,
a secret locket carried from birth,
an inscribed angelic amulet
--barely noticeable, but
always with him
Its ancestral origin was unknown,
it dangled above the baby boy,
a spinning mobile before his wide eyes
watching and calling,
the boy cooed at it
and heard an ancient name then,
now, and to come
He rode his tricycle down a big hill,
a dump truck w...
Thursday 25th February 2021 1:54 am
Unbuckled By Angels
We're all wearing straitjackets
Whether from madness or not
For nature has us by the balls
From our swaddling in the cot
The past is a potent constraint
Not canvas and straps of leather
It dictates what's a personality
By a life-long, iron-clad tether
Shackles of love and desire are
Merciless in their subtle grip
Marriage ties bind us with ropes
No hide-b...
Saturday 7th November 2020 10:49 am
Full Moon Rising
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen
Halloween frightens my inner child
who is afraid of masked men,
being alone in the dark,
daggers to the heart,
a body aging too soon,
eternal suffering...
but the hollow night
gives way to a full moon rising
and a million stars to wish upon,
ushered by angels beaming light
Sunday 1st November 2020 1:38 am
A songbird’s sweet melody
ushers angels to
light up your lonely lair,
shoo fears away,
make peace with your pain,
set your spirit free...
to love,
Sunday 9th February 2020 2:04 am
Two Angels
Two Angels - Poem by Marie
Two angels in a sat bar one night
Thinking something's wrong, it isn't right
its like a silence has fallen over the earth
no one needs saving no deaths or births
They did not know that they had fallen
they had been bad and missed their calling
god banished them from heaven to earth
calling it their second birth
so over a beer and a smoke or two
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:26 pm
I wrote this poem especially for you
If you are reading this now
This message for you
The Angel's they tell me you are going through changes
And although you and I are technically strangers
I know you have your struggles
And I'd like to take this moment to
melt away your troubles
I say these words from my soul
And my Tibetan singing bowl
The healing frequency sounds it makes..
Travels s...
Friday 20th December 2019 12:00 am
I saw you
We met when you needed me
I saw the suffering
I saw the pain
I came to comfort you
To take it away
I did not know you would follow
Friday 22nd November 2019 1:25 am
The Plains of Babylon
They gather on the plains of Babylon.
“It's party-time dear friends!”, the invite reads.
“Let's shake it down and cross the Rubicon.”
“A stairway up to heaven is our need.”
The plots they thicken, artful plans are honed.
They build their zigurrat to breach the blue.
Bizarre bed-fellows meet and greet, combine
In shifting shapes to overthrow the throne.
“Rise up! Throw down...
Monday 26th August 2019 2:41 pm
A Little Wooden Angel
This is my first post I hope of many to come. Thank you for accepting me and my poetry. I have recently started a blog that showcases my writing. I hope to see some of you there. I have been writing for well over a decade, but shyness has keep me as a closet poet you can say. I am not getting any younger, so it's now or never. I have over two hundred poems about...
Friday 26th July 2019 5:08 pm
One of my favorite games
to play as a child
was seeing shapes
in the clouds:
Dogs, cats,
elephants, giraffes,
airplanes, unicorns...
It was one of the
few pleasures
of my childhood.
As I grew up,
I began to see
scarier things:
Dragons, demons,
torn hearts,
flaming arrows...
Now in the archway
of my golden years,
I see beauty that
brings me to tears:
Sunday 17th February 2019 7:18 pm
Grace and Favour
Grace and Favour
For all that a life that's truly led
provides the anxious soul with balm,
yet a gentle breeze, invisible and calm,
precedes the storm where the meek have fled.
In Summer's graceful darkling glides the hawk
in flight over burnished grain, 'till late
a final stoop unearths its prey: its fate
the slashing shadows where the killers stalk.
Though se...
Thursday 31st January 2019 12:41 pm
It's Easier to Believe
It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.
It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.
It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.
It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.
It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.
It's easier ...
Friday 28th December 2018 5:30 pm
The Reefs of Armageddon
Occasionally, Far North Queensland experiences the full force of a Category Five cyclone (also known as a hurricane or typhoon). Their strength is phenomenal, as can be the damage caused, and I certainly would not like to be out on the battered Barrier Reef in one.
The Reefs of Armageddon
Warm and deadly waters shine like beaten silver
wrapped 'round kaleidoscope cays in the morning ...
Wednesday 19th September 2018 6:52 am
Angels and Monsters
I crept out the back door
to hide from the horror
of what stood before me
too afraid to watch it anymore
People dying all around me
Tears in my tired eyes
Weary of listening to
the same old story every time
being told to the next generation,
to learn and unlearn in one blink
of the eye
Creeping out of the light
and into the darkness of anonymity
Stepping into the obscurity
of the m...
Monday 26th February 2018 4:20 pm
The Goddess is Dancing
Many years ago I was intrigued by the appearance on Perth roads of bumper stickers displaying the enigmatic statement that "The Goddess is Dancing". I had no idea what this advertising campaign was all about, so I put together my own preferred explanation.
The Goddess is Dancing
Far from the powdered sand-tracks
in dunes dry beyond ages,
past unwatered acacias
where the wh...
Wednesday 10th January 2018 2:19 am
The Angels
I saw the footsteps of an angel
Within the deep pools of blood
No one noticed the scarlet halo
Because angels are meant to be good
No one mourned the demons
No one shed a tear
No one noticed the angels descend
Until there was nothing to feel but fear
The angels smiled as they hurt you
And laughed as our children cried
There were no demons left to save the pe...
Sunday 10th December 2017 8:52 pm
The Angel
It was the music that he had heard first followed by all the angry madness, the garish badness, a badness in which she delighted. She was all dressed up nines and tens, her eyes flashing green over her overly played garish makeup that had frightened her youth away. The tinny tinkle of her rings and things, singing and pinging their market stall magic into the damp dirty air as they cut sharps and ...
Wednesday 18th October 2017 4:35 pm
In the name of God and Satan
(I'm aware this is a controversial poem and I hope not to offend anyone but I make no conclusions, I only ask questions)
The nature was deteriorating.
The sky was falling down,
raining pieces of ashy soot,
crashing and burning
and you weren't there.
Why weren't you there?
The birds squawked and screeched
and in-between their cries were mine, calling
and I was reaching out to you.
I ask...
Sunday 31st August 2014 8:34 pm
We'll meet again
Seasons turn but I don't care
people come and go
bright blue skies and golden leaves
won't heal broken souls
People and leaves fall and rise
up against the time
missing those we loved so much
we all long to die
Wednesday 28th September 2011 12:13 pm
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