The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

demons (Remove filter)

I AM, (Both sides)

I am the serpent that writhes in your mind
Decisions, derision, words formed unkind
Mestophiles old, sat cast in stone.
Place steel in your hand that cuts to the bone.
Sameal seducer, moulder of man.
To cast doubt on a love, destroy if he can.
Grigori descended to mess with your lives.
Carry the hurt out on many poor wives.
Lucifer guides,  the road easy and wide.
Your lead to take, to p...

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Demons in the Woods (10 line challenge)

Demons in the Woods

Running from the demons
Deep down in the woods
Head all in a panic
Heart fast pumping blood
Feet are feeling heavy
Trudging through the mud
Fear taking over my body
This situation I misjudged
Peeking over my shoulder to see once where I stood
Can’t control this trembling (I really wish I could).

© curiousdud3 05/2022



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Demonsfear10 line challengescared

Do Not Disturb

she was sent in to wake the beast

knowing there would be consequences

the door she opened

her heart racing as to leave her chest

step by step his bed she approached

unleash the demons was her demand

a touch so light had no effect

her heart beat louder

as she attempted again

not to be disturbed

asleep he remained

with the courage she had left

a shake is what she ...

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drug poemsdemonsdo not disturbdark agesnot enoughbrother


My darkness reaches new heights, 

I let my demons loose and they begin to take flight.

Ascending -- the gravity of my sins engulfs me,

and I lose the part of myself which was once light. 

The corruption then starts blackening my soul, forcing it to give up its unavailing fight. 

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The Swinger

Its always the same old story

I meet a woman and we click

We go out for a while and talk

Time seems to go by so quick


After a bit something happens

Signs of unease appear, frowns,

My mask slipped for she's seen

The dark side of my downs


Moods are fatal for couples

You have to banter and smile

Hide the despond with a grin

Play happy families for a while


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You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)

You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)


We are Alcoholics Anonymous without substance abuse.

A support group where no topic is taboo.

What goes on tour, stays on tour.


We step through a kaleidoscope of pain

from tender wounds of unrequited love

to brutal annihilation of innocence.


No stone is left unturned.


Emotions and insecurities are scrutinis...

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Demons are coming
Engrossed with my brain
Their taking control
Am I going insane
They try to take over
The thoughts in my head
But I won’t let them get me
I’ll get them instead

Fighting with demons
Keep those demon’s at bay
Caged in a corner
Keep those demons away

When panic takes over
Those demons are close
They’re reaching and beating
They fill me with doubt
But stood in the ...

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New Year, New Demons.

The sun sets around this dirty glass.
Just a few more hours until I become someone new and forget who I was.
Im waiting for the fireworks but they'll surely never come.
There's no celebration for killing the demon that's been killing everyone.

You think a simple crucifix could fix this.
I don't think I can send my monster back to hell.
I've killed my insides I'm nothing more then a shell o...

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New YearNew MeMental IllnessDemons


Causing unnecessary chaos

The place which was once my peace stadium

Now a pub of high teenagers and thugs

Smell of pot and weed all over the place

Coughs of exasperation and smoke

A gong sitting with their alpha and weapons

Little black dress, I walk into the room

A cigarette in my hand,unlit keep in mind

Waiting for the time to be right

I shall puff them right outta my ...

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Consuming Thoughts

i am consumed by my own thoughts.

stuck with no way out of my own mind. i wish i could escape it.

how does someone get to this point? 


i look for help in the wrong places.

the few people i seek

don't hear me. 


there are people in this world who need to hear that they are doing a good job.

its like being eaten alive slowly.

because rarely does the person you want...

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The demons that only I knew

Would you believe me

If I told you the truth

Would you stay with me,

Or would you just leave?

Would you still feel 

The way that you do

If you saw me kneel

Before the demons so cruel?

I tried to escape

But it fell right through

It was never fate

What should I do?

I didn't mean to fail 

I did choose you

But the monsters fight

Harder than I'm able to


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Demonsmental healthmental illnessdepressionpsychosisanziwtybipolarptsdtiredmonsterscreatures

One Step Closer

I'm running away scared 
But trying to find the light
They hurt me too hard.
Standing here from this height
If I had the courage to do it
I could float among the stars
My chest forming in a pit, I sit.
I'm broken in two halves.

How did I get here?
I truly tried to fight it
Even kept denying it
I can't even hide it

I'm shaking but holding on tight 
The ledge is sturdy but it's high...

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anxietybattlesdemonsDepressionleap of faithmental healthpainstarsstruggles

Can't Escape

You try to escape the demons

But they latch on way too tight,

Their claws digging into my body

And mind, with all their might.


Fighting is exhausting,

It physically and mentally drains.

But still I endure it, hoping

One day I will finally escape the pain.

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anxietybattlecan't escapedemonsdepressionexhaustedhopeillnessmaniamental battlemental healthmental health issuesmental illnesspoetry and mental healthptsdrage


I am a whisper rustling through the trees
I am the ripple of a pebble in a stream 
I am the ember of a funeral pyre
I am the guilt of forbidden desire
I am the rumble of distant thunder
I am the elusive winning number
I am the clown with a broken smile
I am the letter at the bottom of the pile
I am the words that will never be spoken
I am the promise that is sure to be broken
I am the wa...

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funeral pyresforbidden desireswinning numberthunderbroken smilegutterdemonsbreed

Lost Woods.

If you're not careful you can get lost in the woods of your mind.
My piece of advice would be to bring with you a guide.

Someone to hold your hand and walk you through.
So that if something is lurking you have someone to hold onto.

Make sure the person you bring is trustworthy.
That they'll stick around when it starts to get scary.

Things go bump in the night and more-so in these woods...

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Lostwoodsstuck in your headhelpdemonsguidedepression

Rough Patches



You told me cared,

I saw that you did,

Your trapped in your mind

and so I hid.

I see pain in your eyes

they are so dark for me.

I want to shine light on you

but you wont let yourself be free.

It hurts me darling ,

when there's rough patches on your skin,

because I've seen you soft,

and that feeling brought me in.

I love you.. darling


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She Said.

Boy just take it easy
Boy just take it slow
Please don't give up now
You have so much further to go

Put that gun down boy
Step away from the ledge
All the demons your fighting
Don't have to stay in your head

Let me help you boy
Let me be your light
You and I together boy
We'll give 'em a hell of a fight

This is it boy
It's time for war
With me by your side
It'll be easier than...

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The Angels

I saw the footsteps of an angel

Within the deep pools of blood

No one noticed the scarlet halo

Because angels are meant to be good


No one mourned the demons

No one shed a tear

No one noticed the angels descend

Until there was nothing to feel but fear


The angels smiled as they hurt you

And laughed as our children cried

There were no demons left to save the pe...

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A letter to my Demon

For a long time after,

I didn't think I would ever find the words to describe what you took from me or what you did,

It became my biggest shame,

 Like every thrust you took added a 20 pound weight that I had to carry around with me after. I kept it hidden from everyone;

I worked so hard to keep it a secret because you made me feel like I deserved it.

I felt like you'd taken my fire,


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How can I trust you if I don't even trust myself?

Do you know how hard it is to keep the demons at bay

And know that they'll never go away?

How do I know that you won't get hurt?

I try to keep them away, I really do,

Because there's so much I can lose.

I try to keep them to myself,

But they refuse to be put on a shelf.

They claw and they fight

Just so they can see the li...

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Battle of One

To the death, we say,
Breath licked with flame, spits to my face;
His face.
Racing temples pump furious blood
Through ferrous veins,
Manes rise, eyes blister with relentless rage;
Then, clenched fists draw clotted blood
Through plum knuckles.
My neck buckles,
His neck,
Cracking bone like tinder,
The interweave of puffed ribs and scarlet skin
Glisten with fetid sweat;
I rea...

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depressiondemonsmental healthbattleturmoilpoempoetry

Beyond the light

Beyond the light
we invoke demons
above the air
behind the wind
below the rain
I dispel the humming bird
Heavy, the heat is fleeing
colourful the spirits Beware!
The Knave never ends
translucent defiant
lost in broad daylight
an unreliable map
In whose eyes
the face in your mirror
grow old
while the world changed
We breathe glowing snakes
beside the spirits cold
I conjure the chi...

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