The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

cycle (Remove filter)


It's morning. 


The peace I had is suddenly gone.


Creeping into my head is the anxiety and sorrow I always have.


Why couldn't I have slept longer?


Why do I have to wake up?


The day is too long,


The minutes feel like hours


The hours feel like days 


The days feel like weeks.


I can't stop this feeling. 


Feeling of grief- w...

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repeatcyclefalse hopehopelesspoetrypoemsad

thoughts on piss christ and photography (06/21/2023)

consider these solipses:

measured, carried steeples 

round a brined Mary 

suspended in the plasma 

of hapless, desperate donors 

centrifugal refugees

all unknown behind glass


this is a king's country:

a throne grown too small 

phagocyclic in the flesh

bedsores in the shape of sin 


lead of goblets held within


my crucifix is a bullet

made from ...

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pisschristrevolutionfutilitycyclesorrowblueand borrowed


The cycle doesn't stop you know
An ongoing movement segmented life flow
The cycle of inhalation and exhale badness
A physical continuity until the body is deceased
Even then it isn't over a new cycle the next chapter
Be sure to fill this life with continuous love and laughter
For all the lower energies do is delay your unique mission
The continuity of each cycle in Gods hands make...

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The Swinger

Its always the same old story

I meet a woman and we click

We go out for a while and talk

Time seems to go by so quick


After a bit something happens

Signs of unease appear, frowns,

My mask slipped for she's seen

The dark side of my downs


Moods are fatal for couples

You have to banter and smile

Hide the despond with a grin

Play happy families for a while


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Where am i?

I ask my mindless brain as I disassociate

I disassociate to the point that everyday feels the same

Everything i do blends into one giant blob of nothingness


Nothing matters. Does it? 

It doesn’t. Nothing has ever mattered.

That's why we alter our state of reality.

We alter it to feel something out of all the nothingness.


We take the shot. We take the h...

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My Point is Circular

My mouth took some months to bloom

My words took some weeks to flower

You and I do not speak different languages

We possess different meanings


“What is the curl of your tongue?

What is the grind of your teeth?

What is the bow in your brows?

What do you mean?”


Your bottom line is neat and fine

Your ballpoint pen bullet-proof



My point is a r...

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accusecyclejusticelosing my mindpredatorpressureramblingrape culturerecoverystatementtruthvictim blamingwordplay


The flickering light calls from

across the disused railway embankment

like a lonely beacon sending signals

into the misty grey dawn.


Quietly questioning a world

still wrapped in strong arms of slumber.

I consider sending an answer,

would that I understood its coded question.


I’m drawn into its intoxicating world by

the pulsating rhythm of its incandescent heart...

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