The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Curves in a line

Are you alright?

Losing lines in my spiralled speckled sight

Out of hand, edging the paint

Were you ever in control?


Same route, different day

What is there more to say?

Maybe this day I'll tune in outside

And see what the world is trying to hide


It's a beautiful day, if you want it

Keep the cold wind somewhere in

Whether you like it or not

The sun is the...

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Are you
a myth?

Some fairy tale figure
made in my heart

Or do you breathe
do you have lungs
that suck in the air
and a heart pumping blood
through your veins

If I catch you
in the end
will I feel
soft warm skin
in my hands

Or a cloud of smoke
through my fingers

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Who Am I?

I am noise and thought,
I am not who I ought.
I am freedom,
I am fight,
I am the smallest glimpse of starlight,
In the deepest, darkest, stormy night.
Because of fear,
I am,
In spite of fear,
I thrive,
The death of hate and ignorance,
Is what keeps me alive.
I speak for the minority,
A voice for words feared spoken.
With ink and web,
My words are spread,
And your weak bullets are b...

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choicefearfightfreedomje suis charliequestionunitywho

My Ghostly brother..???

Robert you have
you have so secretly
become the ghostly brother of mine
that i did not know i had.

In the picture i have
that mother gave to me
you lie in the bottom left corner
on a wooden bench
barely being able to consider
that a be lovable soul was once even there
by its faded colors it express

And sometimes when I try to recapture
at least one memory I might have of you,

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ghostbrothersadquestionheart and dreamless reallifememory of youSpirit.

In the name of God and Satan

(I'm aware this is a controversial poem and I hope not to offend anyone but I make no conclusions, I only ask questions)

The nature was deteriorating.
The sky was falling down,
raining pieces of ashy soot,
crashing and burning
and you weren't there.
Why weren't you there?
The birds squawked and screeched
and in-between their cries were mine, calling
and I was reaching out to you.
I ask...

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What if the NHS was one of us?

No home, no job, just 12 good friends.

Betrayed by one who swore they never would.

Died too soon for pointless reasons.

What if God the NHS was one of us?

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GodReligionChristianityJesusNHSCameronToriesCutsConservatives put the N into CutsConDemNationConDemQuestionNaPoWriMoLiesGovernmentHealthcareSocialism

the Bright Side to Each Other's Moon




Ripples in the water. Forever bouncing. The transformation from Sea to Land. The water. a Constant Surge. Pulsating Tides. those Building Blocks. Keeping a foundation grounded. The inspiration behind the pen.


Are we all just words in a pictionary born again to have meaning? My reality appears vastly d...

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saptruthLovebuilding blocksmississippi riverdancewrite2217Timmy MitulligreatquestionfunnelMNtalitycloudsstormbaked thoughts

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