Socialism (Remove filter)
Murdoch's Tool
His dad was a toolmaker,
he’s frequently said;
no surprise whatsoever,
that the tool’s now in bed
with foul Rupert Murdoch;
why don’t he just get wed,
to the thing under that rock,
the source of the sewer,
read by a gullible flock,
that rag filled with bile;
justice for the many?
no, not by a mile,
justice for fewer!
Wednesday 28th June 2023 1:04 am
Ye Hypocrites-Ye Whited Sepulchres!
A nation,
That steals
From the
To give
To the
Not good
For me.
Like a
Good enough
For World
War Two;
Good enough
For me.
Good enough
For royalty;
Good enough
For me.
Loaves and fishes,
Bread and roses;
Good e...
Tuesday 27th June 2023 7:49 am
United Futilities
A Disunited King-dom,
Socialism for the obscenely rich,
A United Futilities Turd-dom,
Sleep on the streets-or in a ditch,
Can't even heat water for a bath,
"Let 'em eat turnips" sez one fat bitch,
Homes for ...
Saturday 20th May 2023 11:18 am
Red Flag Blues
Red Flag Blues
Through a rose tinted haze
That barely warms my heart
Comes a lukewarm reaction
That tears my beliefs apart
Nothing to vote for
No contradictory views
Politically impotent
Red flag blues
Insipid humility
Nothing new to say
Trading in ineffectiveness
Another grey day
Gets rid of opposition
Spectral on the news
leading blind acoly...
Thursday 12th May 2022 2:19 pm
To lose yourself whilst everyone forges their own image of you,
Conforming to societies norms in order to see life through.
Do you succumb and forget the part of yourself which you once true?
Tuesday 2nd March 2021 10:14 am
The Kids are Proper Communists
I’ve always supported freedom and equality
I wanted minorities to have equal opportunity.
I believed in promoting a liberal social order,
Showing non-aggression and peace at the border.
I wanted to teach the world to live in perfect harmony,
So that our new Utopia would all be down to me,
But my kids are proper communists,
They want to overthrow the state.
They will give ev...
Tuesday 19th February 2019 2:06 pm
Hypothetically speaking I want to be happy. & that is the only objective I'll pursue. Machination and epiphanies may aid in the constitution of strategies that'll supposively enable me to achieve delectation and felicity, But ultimately what makes you happy? Money, materials? - No. Not at all. Tangible goods can't remunerate and compensate for the emptiness of your soul. Possessions can only stren...
Friday 17th June 2016 2:00 pm
Here There Be Demons
Here There Be Demons
there is a small terraced house
on the dark side of Benefit Street
where a mother lies with cancer
and a child has nothing to eat
where a father kicks anything that moves
whether wife or child or dog
then drowns himself in self pity
and rancid numbing grog
when he leaves he leaves a hole
as wide as any pit
and a family who cannot cope
without their benefit
it ...
Sunday 9th February 2014 9:05 pm
Under a northern sky,
the colour of slate,
the bones of our fathers
crunch underfoot
as we climb the hill
to reach the cross
of judgement
at the summit.
Know your place
child of mill worker,
miner, steel worker,
know your place -
for you are not
of our class,
you have no education
at our schools
and univer...
Friday 16th August 2013 10:47 pm
What if the NHS was one of us?
No home, no job, just 12 good friends.
Betrayed by one who swore they never would.
Died too soon for pointless reasons.
What if God the NHS was one of us?
Sunday 7th April 2013 4:13 pm
August Storm (written August 2011)
August spawned a raging storm
four nights we watched our TV burn
we wrung our hands in shock and shame
then looked for someone else to blame
gazing over the fresh grown rubble,
the long term surplus of borrowed trouble
it begs a question with which we must wrestle.
if it’s only the threat of burning petrol
that makes the truth of now more palpable
Friday 24th August 2012 3:21 pm
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