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Forest Sun
Forest Sun
Laid out to pasture the company doesn’t want us
We got our severance pay then thanked them
Like they thanked us the day they made us sign
We belonged to them then we were slaves
Made to work in the forest cutting down trees
Or in lead mines manually extracting the ore
Many died for it was lethal work out in the sticks
The dead were replaced by new force...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 2:29 am
The Feminist Friend
Everyone’s having babies
Everything’s just turned up a whole notch of crazy
They must just think I’m lazy
But I too, could really love a baby
Makes me feel quite stupid
I’ve never had luck with cupid
Life doesn’t come with a blueprint
But really did for you, kid
Never been dripping in diamonds
Couldn’t find a man to afford them
And even if he offered
I’d ...
Wednesday 31st March 2021 10:36 am
To lose yourself whilst everyone forges their own image of you,
Conforming to societies norms in order to see life through.
Do you succumb and forget the part of yourself which you once true?
Tuesday 2nd March 2021 10:14 am
The old woman says the system only works for certain people
She's right for the system really fricking sucks
In the worst possible damn way
Some people waltz right on in there
And get what they want with no worries
Like thieves in broad daylight
Not giving a hoot about being caught
While those on the list are stuck in limbo
Caught up in a system that doesn't work
...Tuesday 3rd April 2018 8:06 pm
CHOOSE LIFE, choose getting fired, choose beating the system, fucking the system, fuck the system. Choose office politics, small talk, polite talk. Signing birthday cards for people you don’t even like. Choose snacking because you are bored, eating cake because it’s there. Filling up the coffee machine, smiling once you’ve done it. Choose getting praise for work you hate, hating work for peo...
Thursday 18th January 2018 2:15 pm
Hypothetically speaking I want to be happy. & that is the only objective I'll pursue. Machination and epiphanies may aid in the constitution of strategies that'll supposively enable me to achieve delectation and felicity, But ultimately what makes you happy? Money, materials? - No. Not at all. Tangible goods can't remunerate and compensate for the emptiness of your soul. Possessions can only stren...
Friday 17th June 2016 2:00 pm
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