consolation (Remove filter)
Heart Didn't Mind
All those things love didn't care about
Are much more relevant when,
Tossed back,
No longer wanted,
Life makes you decide again
Whether to go on believing.
The flaws
That didn't spoil the diamond on the ring,
May add up worth considering,
Fallen out,
You have the chance to fit a different gem.
All the problems love didn't care about
May make it not worth the fight,
When lo...
Friday 11th June 2021 11:44 am
Blue Umbrella
sun shines down on love
rain spatters lonely grief
only my blue umbrella's
a consolation and relief
she's left me for another
I'm stuck in a Scotch mist
imagining her in his arms
the passion of their tryst
but for my blue umbrella
I'd sink down and drown
or reach for my hat and
decamp to another town
the storm rages overhead
my umbrella keeps m...
Saturday 20th February 2021 11:17 am
Drop The Tears
No-one likes to see tears, that
Liquid form of human distress,
Yet human life being what it is
They render make-up a mess
I'd never observed you weep
Your trusting eyes always dry,
Till catching me with Matilda
Made you break down and cry
Tears clear the air like a purifier
Provoking a quantum of sympathy
From anyone that can summon
A minimum degree of em...
Tuesday 24th November 2020 10:46 am
Eternity Always Wins
I suppose I'm one of life's losers
Missed out on joys and content
Mourned other folks's milestones
Never learned what love meant
How to encounter consolation or
Stomach others's enjoyable sins?
The answer lies up in the clouds
Where brute eternity always wins
Winners cant take it with them
Imagine leaving behind that cash
Lovers weeping at the bedside
Monday 19th October 2020 11:15 am
Writing Through Illness and Grief Group
While mourning his daughter Tullia, Cicero took to writing a book of self-consolation. Thinking himself the inventor of this type of self-help, he said, “Why, I have done what no one has done before, tried to console myself by writing a book.” (This is quoted by Han Baltussen in the Nov. 2009 issue of Mortality in an essay titled, “A grief observed: Cicero on remembering Tullia.”)
I certainly d...
Wednesday 23rd May 2018 10:27 am
McFlurry Saved the Day
McFlurry was the beast
that preyed on the
old ogre of a day
spent too long
in lectures & humidity
Across the river
of the campus jungle
McFlurry crouched
and pounced upon
the grizzly weariness -
ripping it to shreds
with creamy razor teeth
& cookies & cream claws
as we ended yet
another uni day
Disclaimer: This is not a...
Thursday 24th February 2011 12:14 pm
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