The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

turtles (Remove filter)

A slow Turtle

A slow turtle, with a heavy back.

Wanted to sprint like the dotted cat.

He was sad because he didn't know his limits,

Devastated after seeing the results of his speed per minute.


Poor turtle knew a little about himself

Grew up among cheetah, thinking he was one self.

Speed was thing where he wanted to be the best.

Without even enjoying the process itself.


He could...

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slow and fastfastslowturtlescheetahcatlifetryingbeyourselfdifferentgoalsGod


I wonder now what sin is worse

As we destroy this fragile earth

Who should we condemn the most? Who curse?

The careless or he who cares not for its worth?


When we misfile our plastic waste

Do we sin more than those who double wrap;

When we buy packaged goods in daily haste

Is it our fault we fall into the plastic trap?


And when we recycle those plastic trays


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plasticsrecyclingearthoceansdestruction of oceanscoralsfishturtlesethicsgovernmentpackaging

The Traveller's Eye

This is an attempt to capture the alien strangeness of the Nullarbor Plain which borders the Great Australian Bight. Despite its name it has plenty of hardy trees in places, but no surface water whatsoever. It is a totally flat expanse of bedrock almost seven hundred miles wide, and I have driven every inch of it!


The Traveller's Eye

O the light flows quickly over this blasted plain,


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