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Stay Safe?


When has any human been safe?

Lions, Tigers, and Bears… OH MY!

Mosquitos, Ticks, Killer Bees…

Cancer, Bacteria, Viruses…

But the greatest of these

Has always been humans


This is the High Holiday Time

For most of our belief systems

A remembrance of great - Unsafe times

When the masses were protected

And individuals’ sacrificed

We lived to see another day


It seems that the world is at peace

There is no news from battlegrounds

Foreign or domestic

Nor drug or human trafficking on the newsreel

Or families and neighborhoods displaced by fire

No more mass massacres in schools and events



No more weddings, birthdays or funerals

Or family gatherings, with grandparents and children

Hugs, kisses, handshakes or greetings of any kind

No sharing of food, air, laughter or eye contact

Celebration of life is FORBIDDEN


Are we safer?

In our homes?

Alone or confined

Apprehensive to come in contact

With an invisible microbial organism

That has untethered freedom


Viruses like angels can be anywhere

Covid-19 could be an angel of death

Or an angel full of blessings,

Who guides humanity to safety

A true sense of personal empowerment

Joy and purpose


This marks the beginning of a week

Of reverence to honor our messengers

I see a new motivation in these times

Ultimately humanity was safe

From a plague

And from a crucifixion


We are safe from humanity’s

Dark character, drama, or control

The Angel Covid-19 may lead us

To a revelation of our own strength,

Resilience and discernment

Discovering our resolute version





Sourdough Bread ►


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