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Slow down

Slow down.

Saunter, speed less.


Steady on, slacken off.

Snail pace, shuffle along,

Step by step

Stop striding.

Softly does it.

Space the action.

Stop sometimes, stay still.

Centre yourself.

Something is there to be sensed.

Someone is smiling.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 3rd May 2010 11:43

The 's' sounds do induce a soporific mood. Your chosen words are musical as well, in vowel assimilation. (This is downright 'catching'. I'm not making fun, only amazed at the influence of words.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 3rd May 2010 10:24

This is very interesting, Dave. By limiting yourself in the words you've chosen you've found yourself exploring new territory. It has a marvellous calmness and sense of freedom. It's strange how restrictions can liberate us!

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