Chamomile and contradiction
The web page states:
For over four decades,
Chamomille Natural Foods has been providing
Products and resources that promote
Healthy and wholesome lifestyle.
Sensationalized propaganda campaign
Viral threats marched over
Healthy lifestyles
Negating four decades of healthy,
Life supporting, guidance
Bright Yellow Caution Tape
Blocks the pathway to the
Same healing herbs, vitamins
Homeopathic and tinctures
Once recommended
His business cards boast
Of his prowess as a
Natural health care provider
Appointments available
To consider any aliment – protocols recommended
The chemistry of FEAR
Weakens the immune system
While viruses look for an
Environment to take root
A perhaps deadly combination
This is not a terminal transition
Natural-Health conscience folks
Should be reassured
The choices made; the money spent
Did not leave them vulnerable
Pharmaceuticals cannot address viruses
It is never the organism but the host
A host that stands outside of fear
Confident in healthy choices
Should not be met with
Screaming Yellow Caution Tape!