The Oak Tree
The oak tree
Unwavering and sturdy
Tells us how to be:
Don’t break so easily
In the slightest change of wind
Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window
Landing on shards of broken glass
Crimson oozes slowly
As I pray each stab is its last
So much has shaken me since my first landing
Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning
Looking back
That oak tree mocks me
He speaks, “Steady now
for like the days of an oak tree
shall the days of our people be.
He has sent me here to mend the brokenhearted;
To shine a light during the mourning.
Remember from where you have fallen
And you shall return to that which bears fruit.
Listen to the ways of the wind:
Rejoice for His love has been given.”
*A work in progress. Feedback welcomed.