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A Second Changes Everything

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A Second Changes Everything


A bullet leaves the barrel of a gun

A man thinks ‘what have I done?’


The sky is cornflower blue, without a cloud

The President waves at people in the crowd


A woman turns slightly to look at him

The sun glints off the Lincoln’s trim


A watcher points a cine-camera at the parade

A secret service agent dreams of getting laid


A little girl points and shouts her praise

A shy teen catches his eyes, averts her gaze


The driver concentrates on the underpass

The Governor is distracted by reflections in the windshield’s glass


A black man turns his head towards the fatal crack

And thinks someone has just let off a Cracker Jack


A worker on the floor below thinks he hears a shot

A secretary thinks that JFK looks hot


The red brick building casts a shadow long

The Police outriders sense that somethings wrong


America holds its breath as the echoes ring

Around Dealey Plaza - a second changes everything


napowrimo2018day 10assassinationJFKdealey plazasplit secondchange

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 11th May 2020 18:11

You're right about changing the world "in a second". That happened
when a youth named Princip decided to shoot a certain Archduke
and his wife in Sarajevo more than a century ago.

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 11th May 2020 15:09

Thanks for the comments lads - it's a topic I keep coming back to because I find it intriguing how much can change in the world by just a second - I guess that's true of the current situation too. I do think that this event was pivotal to how the world looks now - things would have certainly moved differently if Kennedy had lived longer.
Intriguing stuff I think
thanks once again

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 10th May 2020 23:23

The ramifications of that event resonate even now.
Check the photo that shows LBJ ducking out of sight in his
following car even as the Secret Service are trying to identify
what they've just heard.

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