Seasonal Sensations
Seasonal Sensations
The body tingles as a transformation takes place
goose pimples yield to outstretched bronzed arms
in the landscape of an English summer
It is assured as night follows day
so does Spring herald the summer idyll of hope
The replaceable gives way yet again
as wicker basket chairs and mowed lawns
sit gently beneath the fruit trees in blossom
Sandals are donned as winter's wardrobe
is duly incarcerated in appropriate darkness
The long awaited birds return north
as I rummage for last year's sunglasses
Stews are off the menu as salads freshly arrive
with sparkling rose wines and the other drinks
of a winter's evening lie dormant in some cabinet or other
I write invitations for my August Garden Party
carefully studying the compatiblity of guests
Open windows permit a gentle breeze to invade the house
as the curtains flare a magpie strutts across the lawn
Martin Elder
Sat 27th Jun 2020 11:23
I really love the notion of winter lying dormant in a cupboard.
Sheer poetry