This is the day
What is the day today?
The Day I met You
The Day I found myself
The Day I was born
I lost you ounce, in Eternity
But this is the day, the great day
The Day I got you back
The Day you came back home
I was alone, singing alone
I was alone, dancing alone
But today, you sing I dance
Today you sing, I smile
Yesterdays were sunny, too sunny!
Today you brought back the rain
The flowers and I shall flourish now
Yesterdays I looked up, cried for you
Today I look up, smile with you
Yesterdays I looked aside twice
I looked aside, saw emptiness
Today I look aside I see you
What is the day today anyway?
Today is the 21stof April
The day I met you of courses
The day I found you
The day I was borne
The day I found my way home
Happiness my home, our home.