When dads were around
there was strength and trust
and certainty
there would be food on the table
and a roof over our heads
then dads went away
through divorce
or abandonment
and kids were left
with only one parent
one parent who
was not there most of the time
because they had to work
and do all the things the father
used to do
so kids were left
without guidance
without authority
without a Father's love
so on this day
let us honor the Dad's
that stuck around
that stuck it out
that sacrificed for family
they kept their word
they kept their promise
they were warriors
in their own quiet way
not outspoken
but setting the example
of what a man should be.
kJ Walker
Sun 21st Jun 2020 17:44
I liked this, though to be quite frank I would have been far better off as a child if my own dad had abandoned us.(but that's another story)
This is about the dads who put food on the table, and looked after their families. These are the ones who's example I hope I followed when bringing up my own kids