The Seas Of Angst & Hope
Quietly our hearts cry behind closed and bolted doors when love departs,
while the tears that sting so deeply cascade down inside our very souls.
Oh that we could mop dry the floods that drown our hope and trust,
and thus squeeze the angst away to drain into the far distant seas
where they might sink into the darkest depths, ne'er to be seen again.
How many such floods have run into the seas since mankind was first
betrayed by fickle lovers?
Should those with restless feet be forever marked with bold signs to
forewarn those upon whom they would prey in careless abandon of all
dutiful care, running as they do on lustful energies alone.
Such reservoirs of tears are salty as are other seas and fit for naught but
sharks to patrol, wherein we might cast off our broken hearts that they
might sink like the stones they have become, attracting one last predator
before they hit bottom as their owners have before them.
But where to find the sea of hope to trawl for new hearts of hope and
warmth, without which the bolted doors will rust into unmoveable barriers
to all future ventures, unto pastures new where restoration may come to all who
can be so bold as to tread? Where is the lighthouse of brilliant truth to
guide the worthy folk where to place their nets in sureness of a fair catch.
Such maps as I have seen omit such guidance, as do the navigation systems
sold for the mundane needs of life - shame on the makers for such lack of
support for so many lonely souls, and much praise for the one that may
some day divine the locations so many still seek.......
May 13th 2010
Ann Foxglove
Thu 13th May 2010 20:08
Thanks Dave - you are very kind.x