The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Heady Idea

I was not very old when I first thought,

'I wonder how you tell the difference between

What we say it is from what it really is.'


With the concept of 'we' presumably 'people',

It was contemplation, not confrontation.

I was not bucking parents on principle.


What did I mean by 'say' or 'it' or 'really' or 'is'?

With such words the whole world goes round!

What did I see -understand - so young?


Cynthia Buell Thomas, June 2020



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April Holt

Tue 12th Jan 2021 15:58

You are annoying, I can verify. But more so you are incredible and never fail to make me question everything, which though frustrating at the time, I cannot thank you for enough now - for the thinker you have sculpted me into. April x

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 8th Jul 2020 11:15

I must have been so annoying. Although I THINK I kept most thoughts to myself, in conversation only with Me, Myself and I, that trickster trio. Blistering discussions which could never reach a stalemate because we were three. I can only hope it was constructive imagination.

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