The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Waking Up

In the seconds between deep sleep

And slippery conciousness

Sometimes I feel like a galactic receiver.


This morning, out of nowhere,

Clicked a thought pattern

Clear as crystal:

'Rationalise – theorize – extemporize – philosophize.'

And I pushed back: 'But I am an animal!

Physical - emotional - amoral -  temporal.

HA! Checkmate!'


I rose from my pillow, toddled to the bathroom

And splashed my face with cold water,

A little vexed with such pointed intrusion.

Pressing into the soft towel I had to smile:

I didn't know whether to pound my fists

On the hard earth

Or lift my fingers to the sky!


But I do wonder

Whether anybody else

Has such strange experiences.








Heady Idea ►


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Wed 22nd Jul 2020 22:47

That was a fun read. Not sure if it was meant to be a fun read, but it was for me. I enjoyed that poem.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 8th Jul 2020 11:43

Freda! How wonderful to see you again. And you are still active with your splendid talent! I really do enjoy this site, and all the diverse people it enables me to 'know'. Poetry and commentary are very personal avenues of association.

Sometimes, I think words rival even hugs. For me,the world spins on Words and Hugs or maybe more so, Hugs and Words, HWOUGRDS. (I'm being dopey!)

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Freda Davis

Wed 8th Jul 2020 08:25

Hi Cynthia, lovely poem. It does resonate with me.
Sorry I neglect this lovely place. Where does time go?
I am writing a Graphic novel. Not much poetry these days.
I have just popped in a poem from around 1962 with a photo from this Spring to accompany it.
Spring is timeless.
I am so pleased to see you are still here, and still writing.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 4th Jul 2020 14:09

I really do wonder.

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