Steph and Stevie Sturgeon,
are living with us now.
They slink around the bottom,
and they never make a row.
They're black so you can't see them,
for all I know they're dead.
But they can't be really,
because the man who sold them said:
'They've come all the way from Russia,
they really love it here.
They think it is quite gorgeous,
and they'll make you caviar.'
So they must be down there somewhere,
where I hope they're getting fat.
I will get my caviar
and give none to next door's cat.
<Deleted User> (4281)
Tue 4th Mar 2008 05:29
Hello, Mr. Malpoet
I love this write. Excellent flow and the story in this poem are picture perfect! Enjoyed the rhyming lines and the poem little mystery when comes to the kind of fish that produces the caviar'......Interesting!