There's a sickly sense of unease
Background anxiety in the air
Something wrong with the planet
Like a hole getting ready to tear
Science is tomorrow's igorance
We grew too big for our boots
We've dug a hole in the future, its
Too late to go back to our roots
Greenland's ice seemed a fixture
Taken for granted, always there
Now its melting, dying, dwindling
Soon it will be rocks and thin air
James Watt planted a time-bomb
Blue skies got poisoned by greed
We were hypnotised by treadmills
Sustainability maimed, left to bleed
Hear balls drop when jugglers pause
We spun from our's a digital dystopia
What avarice mistook as being clever
Was naked, old-fashioned, myopia
Survivors will look back at plagues
Wars, famines, that crazy digital hell
They'll huddle in mad silicon ruins
Ask why none heard the tolling bell
Ancient denier Nero had nothing on us
Soon its not only Rome that will burn
Humans convinced they were clever
There was nought they needed to learn
What's left of us will wake under
A sun pelting down molten lead
Where a rising sea, dead with plastic
Laps, unconcerned, about his head
Science is tomorrow's ignorance
We grew too big for our boots
We've dug a hole in the future, it's
Too late to go back to our roots
jennifer Malden
Mon 24th Aug 2020 14:51
Terrifying, but unfortunately so true! Naked, old -fashioned myopia. They've been saying this for years, but things didn't seem all that alarming perhaps, but now it is really a brownland, with the sun pelting down molten lead, no-one can now deny that the climate is changing rapidly. Hope the trend is reversible still. Really enjoyable and well expressed.