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The Walled Garden

I thought that in these trying times, when so much is doom and gloom, a little taste of something light and wholesome might be a good idea! I hope it comes across as quaint - and not sickly-sweet!


The Walled Garden


I played within a walled garden;

The sun shone on the honeysuckles and the lilacs and the tea roses.

And it shone on me.

I’d been dressed in my lemon organza dress

with a pretty white pinafore,

And Mother had tied up my unruly curls

in a pastel blue ribbon

and its silken threads reached to my shoulders.

I had Ted with me,

my faithful bed-time comforting friend,

and he sat on the grass and watched my play.


I played and skipped, and only stopped when I was thirsty,

and came to my beloved aunt for a glass of lemonade

from her little covered cup.


It was a perfect day.


But lunchtime drew near, and we wended our way home,

me and Ted and my dear Aunty.


I glanced back at the walled garden

and I felt a bit sad.


It looked all lonely without us.









◄ They Hadn't Learned

He Knows ►



Sat 26th Sep 2020 22:22

Great imagery as Shifa already noted. ?

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Shifa Maqba

Sat 26th Sep 2020 17:42

What a beautiful imagery this evocative poetry has! Well done.

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