The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dorinda MacDowell

Updated: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 08:52 am

Contact via WOL logo


I am reader, writer, wife, Mum, Grandma: blessings, all! I am also my own self! Good, solid, lasting friendships; strong church family relationships; an imagination which urges my pencil into action: all mine! I am, indeed, a most fortunate woman!


It’s a Festive Domestic It’s a festive domestic – It’s an annual thing – Like roast turkey and trimmings And the carols we sing – It’s a festive domestic – And it don’t mean a thing Because each year it happens So it loses its sting – It’s a festive domestic – But it’s wearing a bit thin – When it lingers from Christmas Till the new year comes in – ********** No more festive domestic! – For next Christmas will see Little me on my ownsome On a cruise, out at sea – And I shan’t miss the turkey Or the sprouts, that’s for sure, Or the lingering aggro Which hangs on more and more – ********** So next Christmas won’t see me At the turkey crown shelf - And the old man can will have to Have a row with himself…

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 7th Jan 2021 16:16

Dear Dorinda - noted BUT the qualification is first to EMAIL me at gets the book. Hurry up!! You could be first. You should understand that the email contact mentioned
enables the provision of address and other details about posting to be exchanged

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 5th May 2016 10:49

Dorinda, our computer is finally up and running again, after nearly a month. Not that I was capable of being on line. I had eye surgery the very next Tuesday after the Stockport event (emergency sort of) and the rest is almost a blur (no pun intended). I am fine, mending well, and amazed at the increased beauty of colour all around me, literally shocked at the shades of my wardrobe, and the brilliance of the pictures and artwork hanging on my walls. I won't have to buy new clothes or paint walls for ten years! My other eye is also scheduled in the near future, so I will have dual clear vision, cataract-free. Yippee!

Like your good self, I am blessed. I knew you were a kindred spirit.

I'm sure Martin will lug Stan's glove around to Sale this May. He's a really nice person, isn't he? And a good writer.

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dorinda macdowell

Tue 25th Aug 2015 13:20

We're all already in tune
(no I'm not being absurd!)
With our quite beautifully shared
Love of written and voiced word....

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Nigel Astell

Mon 24th Aug 2015 14:02

Hi Dorinda

We shall have to find out who has the first Aid Box just in case someone does a dead boring poem and we need some smelling salts!

Glad you are o .k and we are all just glad you are in good health and can come each time!

The theme for next time is jazz so a few musical lines and we shall get in tune!

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Nigel Astell

Mon 24th Aug 2015 14:02

Hi Dorinda

We shall have to find out who has the first Aid Box just in case someone does a dead boring poem and we need some smelling salts!

Glad you are o .k and we are all just glad you are in good health and can come each time!

The theme for next time is jazz so a few musical lines and we shall get in tune!

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Linda Cosgriff

Tue 13th May 2014 11:43

Hi Dorinda.

I don't have your email address! I know you emailed me once but because I replied rather than created a new email, it mustn't have saved your address.

Lucky for me, people were saying last night how comments posted here go to our inboxes, so I had the brainwave to write here.

Email me at and I'll send you the details.

Linda x

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dorinda macdowell

Tue 13th May 2014 07:53

Thank you, Martin, for your comments! (I wonder if you are the same Martin who attends our Stockport WOL?) Whether you are the very same, or not, thank you so much again!

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Martin Elder

Sat 10th May 2014 23:19

Hi Dorinda
Just read your poem about dancing before God. Fantastic, keep on dancing.!

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Nigel Astell

Fri 9th May 2014 16:03

White spotless and clean
good enough for me
I will take all
the mouse traps home
along with smelly cheese
the rodent poison keep
Mother in law's coming
digging a deep hole
after a long nap
body bag or sack
time to fill in
before reporting her on
the missing persons list!

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dorinda macdowell

Fri 9th May 2014 13:25

Dearest Nigel:

I promise, determine,
My kitchen contains no vermin!
How dare you insult my name!
But I forgive you, all the same!
(and please forgive this swful verse:
Here follows one which is much worse.....)

One my Dad used to say:
"Ours is a nice house, ours is,
It's got no rats or mices,
But it's cheap, cheap, cheap,
At ten bob a week,
Ours is a nice house, ours is"

(John please do not chuck me out of Stockport WOL as a result of the above, will you!!!)


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Nigel Astell

Thu 8th May 2014 15:59

Lets Make A Deal

Chinese take-away
new shiny menu
cut price meal
free delivery service.

Alter opening hours
to suit my
Tuesday hunger needs
if not possible - - -

I will tell
that rats live
with the mice
in your kitchen.

Free fried rice
becomes very tempting
make it Tuesday
to secure deal.

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Nigel Astell

Mon 15th Apr 2013 12:40

Thank you Dorinda

I think all of us are gifted poets in the Stockport WOL group to which I am just a part of - - -

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Steve Higgins

Wed 19th Dec 2012 14:53

Hope the funeral went well Dorinda. Once you get past the tears they can be good occasions. I always remember my Uncle Ray's funeral. I left a sad tearful room to take my car home, then returned to a right old 'booze up' that uncle Ray would have loved . .
Whats Stockport like these days? 20 years ago and more I was a bus driver at Daw bank. Bet its all changed now!
Glad you enjoyed 'a friend of a friend'
Best wishes, Steve

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Nigel Astell

Sat 25th Aug 2012 14:15

Glad you like it

Are you joining up as a member on our new Stockport WOL blog?

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John Coopey

Fri 3rd Feb 2012 22:03

Glad you liked "Serendipity and Happenstance", Dorinda. I think the audio flatters it a bit - it's rather simple as a written piece.

<Deleted User> (5011)

Thu 22nd Apr 2010 08:49

No, we are not!

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Thu 18th Mar 2010 00:01

And Im sure the old man WILL row with himself... us chaps... we are like that!

<Deleted User> (7075)

Sun 7th Feb 2010 20:22

Hi there Dorinda. Ilived in North Reddish for a few years and there is a very friendly WOL group who meet in Stockport. Keep posting and enjoy the site. Winston

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John Coopey

Wed 3rd Feb 2010 16:46

Nice to see another Rhythm 'n' Rhymer, Dorinda.
Keep posting
(You're not the only one in the world to "enjoy" the Festive Domestic Season!)

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