Ready, Willing, and Able
The vast
Forgotten reaches
Of the universe
Hold no answers
To the mysteries
That inspire curiosity.
You will not find
What it is that you seek.
The mysteries of life
Shall stay as they are.
How we come so far
Travel for so long
On such epic journeys
To arrive with the same wisdom
Happiness is the closest thing
To an answer
We may ever find.
Be happy
Without a reason in the world.
And help others
Find their happinessĀ
Only where you may.
If, and only if
You are willing, able, and ready.
Ghazala lari
Sat 26th Dec 2020 08:54
If we give happiness and joy
Much shall return back to us
Journey could be different
People could be different
God knows but we don't
What we give to others
God sends it back for us.
Thank you E.?