The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Eric Berard

Updated: Thu, 2 Feb 2023 08:40 pm

Instagram @epicberard


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I am from Cloverdale in Surrey, BC. I am not terribly good with grammar, but I enjoy writing poems And just creative free verse blurbs as an outlet Let me apologize in advance if you don't receive a reply to any comments! I'm very bad for keeping up with this blog haha, I usually end up dumping a bunch of pieces over the past few weeks and then leaving it alone for a while


And in this time when all is well, I can't help feeling strange. I turn to you, my shining star, You always help me change. The light is near, I'll see it soon. This much I know is true. And at the end, when all is clear, I know I'll be with you. For now, I walk this path alone, Not knowing where to go. I know I'm where I need to be, My heart, it tells me so. And so I keep on travelling, I pack not but my mind. I walk the earth with no direction All I have is time. ------------------------ He feels like he's broken, All he does is think and worry. Apologizes for the little things, Always feeling sorry. Driving through the sunset Into the lonely night. Until his thoughts are clear, He will never win this fight. He is torn between two worlds, Left to make a choice, Pressured by the chance of pain, He speaks without a voice. Waiting for someone to help, He feels so far away. Losing touch within himself, He'll hurt another day. --------------------------------- A whirlwind of self-doubt overcomes, But the answers inside you will prevail, You must open your eyes to see, Weigh anchor, and set sail. Life is mysterious, it has us in wonder, We continue to live without knowing, Yet we still drudge on with faith by our side, With no sign of a clue where we're going. The light somehow finds us in our darkest times, Right when we've almost lost hope, It shows us the way when we lose our paths, Gives us reason to keep holding the rope. Sometimes in life it will be hard to see, But you have to keep moving along, You have all the answers you ever will need, You will always be here, where you belong. -------------------------------------------------- So I'll continue to be the diary, Just remember to close me shut at the end of the day. There's a million ways to tell me, You're crying yourself to sleep, wiping tears away. You don't want your secrets known to the public, So lock me up forever and throw away the key. Always remember when the day is done, I listened to you, letting your heart bleed. If you need to find an outlet, someone to lean on, I'm here whenever you need an ear. If you're in trouble and need a friend, I would wait a thousand years. ---------------------------------------------- "Please listen closely, these words could be my last, I haven't much time left, and I want to ease the past." "The last time they enslaved us all, they filled our heads with lies, Sent us off to fight their wars, and watched as we all died." The old man said with one last breath, "I wanted you to know, When they ask you next to fight for them, please just tell them no." He wanted me to see the light, put the darkness to an end, Forget my hate, make peace with the past, and make friends. He told me to have fun, Life's too short to waste it crying, In the end, we all find peace, whether we're living or dying. ---------------------------------------------- We once were a free species, We lived life without rule. One sought power over all the rest, His plan was very cruel. Deception spread day by day, We believe the lies they tell. We think of heaven after death, While living in this hell. -------------------------------------- The land where we all come from, The pain is so ignored, Greed consumes our minds, And Money is our lord. We grow up with one thing in mind, To fill our banks with cash. Leave behind your dreams and wishes, Let your flames turn to ash. The ambers slowly burn inside, 'Til one day they're so bright, Set fire to the things you were taught, And walk towards the light. We need to lend a helping hand, To those who need is most. Cure the planet of the cancer, The one that we all host ------------------------------------ We all seek validation, Acknowledgement that lasts, We all want to be noticed, But the shadows that we cast, They make it hard for us to shine, They make us feel depressed, Consumed by so much misery, And eaten alive by stress. We are a nameless people, With faceless spirits, too. We all need help to find ourselves, We won't give up on you.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Fri 5th Jan 2024 09:47

Your poems are genuine and raw. You write from your heart. It's extremely strong and impactful when read aloud.

Beautifully written poems.

Kevin T.S. Tan

Tue 8th Sep 2020 22:19

you have a very gentle soul. glad you're here

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Lynn 7.

Fri 29th Nov 2019 13:34

You have a way with words, Eric! Thanks for sharing! ?

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keith jeffries

Tue 14th Mar 2017 13:27

Eric, your poems are beautifully crafted. DonĀ“t stop writing as you have far to go. Thank you. Keith

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Tue 9th Feb 2016 17:52

Your poems are amazing. You are very talented :-)

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Sun 1st Nov 2015 06:40

Hi Eric thankyou for your comment having seen so much hatred in this world and having four boys and two girls numerous grandchildren my hope is we all find peace good luck with your poems and keep writing. Wendy

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Eric Berard

Fri 30th Oct 2015 08:12

Hahaha, I have many more I could have put in my samples, I have a whole facebook page for my pieces as well, I think I have around 150+ but I think there are only a few I would care enough about to put in my samples :P maybe I'll get around to sorting through those soon and posting them here

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Patricio LG

Thu 29th Oct 2015 17:58

the walk alone, lost love, patience. Lovely poem :-)

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Adam Whitworth

Sat 17th Oct 2015 13:41

I like this. To me it speaks of a feeling of 'complacency' (expected to be temporary) in a 'lucky' position where 'real life' is all struggle somewhere else. But does only struggling count as real life?

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