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Updated: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 02:09 pm
Season 2
Brief sample collection
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Sunshine
A letter to the heart (06/12/2024)
A Knight's Resilience (04/12/2024)
Whispers of joy (04/12/2024)
Brimming with hope (23/11/2024)
The Doughnut She Couldn't Eat (06/10/2024)
Doe's expedition (05/10/2024)
Deep eyed DOE (05/10/2024)
Timeless melody (15/09/2024)
Warmth of genuine connections (27/08/2024)
It's never too late (26/08/2024)
Read more entries by Sunshine…
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/sunshine
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Moonlight your poetry is so strong both in spirit and love.
I am so glad you have got over your nightmare and God himself will always be with you no matter what.❤❤
I just figured things out on here despite having an account for so long LOL
I’m so sorry for the extended delay but thank you so much for your comment on ‘Just Breathe’ 🙌
Thanks Moonlight one of them is you
Dark is the night
as moonlight fades
soon to return
happy we will be❤
Soul Searching
Ever watching at the night sky
Star signs shooting wishes
Only one for me
Moonlight message to see❤
Went away for a break in the Peak District had a great time with a few friends will do a catch up with your poems Moonlight❤
Shooting stars
Wishes made
Life relived
Heaven sent
Moonlight Poetry❤
Hey Guys,
New to this! Please check out my profile.
Hoping to make friends ❤️
Thank you Nigel. This portrays my struggles and how God empowered me.
Dancing across the galaxy of stars
Moon Queen powers the past
into a universal black hole❤
Love your poetry- footprints I will always leave.💖
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Sun 18th Feb 2024 15:07
Thank you Sunshine, for reading and commenting on my poem 'Time Freeze', though it would have been lovely if it was written in a way where a person wrote it for his/her sweetheart, when I jotted it down,I just tried to express my emotions on that topic through a 3rd POV, but your comment has given me a new theme to ponder about, so thank you for that